IQVIA™ Real-World Insights Bibliography
Risk Factors and Medical Resource Utilization of Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Human Metapneumovirus and Influenza Related Hospitalizations in Adults ? A Global Study During the 2017-2019 Epidemic Seasons (Hospitalized Acute Respiratory Tract Infection [HARTI] Study) |
Author(s): Ann R Falsey, Edward E Walsh, Stacey House, Yannick Vandenijck, Xiaohui Ren, Sofia Keim, Diye Kang, Pascale Peeters, James Witek, Gabriela Ispas |
Affiliations(s): University Of Rochester School Of Medicine and Rochester Regional Health, Rochester, NY, United States; Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO, United States; Janssen Infectious Diseases, Beerse, Belgium; IQVIA Real-World Solutions, Courbevoie, France; Janssen Research & Development, LLC, Titusville, NJ, United States |
Publication(s): |
Document Type(s): Article, |
Countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, South Africa, USA, |
Click here for the abstract |
C: Y: |
Infectious disease, 2021 |
L: A: |
English Burden of illness, Clinical setting: hospital, Epidemiological study, Observational study, Patient questionnaire, Prospective study, |
Clinical characteristics of Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) Patients Who Reached 400 Days Post Diagnostic from a Retrospective Real-World Data |
Author(s): Mitrofan L.M.1,Krukas-Hampel M.R.2, Mendoza L.A.3 |
Affiliations(s): 1 IQVIA, Paris, FR; 2IQVIA New York, US; 3IQVIA, Prague, CZ |
Publication(s): ESMO 2018
Document Type(s): Poster, |
Countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Spain, Taiwan, UK, |
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Oncology, 2018 |
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Clinical Characteristics of 3,030 Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) Patients in High, Upper Middle and Lower Middle Economic Regions Based on Real-World Data (RWD) |
Author(s): Mitrofan L1 , M.R. Krukas-Hampel M.R2 , L.A. Mendoza L.A3 |
Affiliations(s): IQVIA, Paris, FR; IQVIA New York, US; IQVIA, Prague, CZ |
Publication(s): ESMO 2018
Document Type(s): Poster, |
Countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Spain, Taiwan, UK, |
C: Y: |
Oncology, 2018 |
L: A: |
Estimating the Budget Impact of Switching from Bortezomib Intravenous
(IV) to Bortezomib Subcutaneous (SQ) in the Treatment of Relapsed/Refractory
Multiple Myeloma (MM) in Mexico |
Author(s): Wehler EA1, Kowal S2, Hernandez-Garduno A3, Danese de los Santos L3, De Anda, Anaya P5, Munakata J6, Gonzalez-Michaca L7 |
Affiliations(s): 1IMS Health, Plymouth Meeting, PA, USA
2IMS Health, Seattle, WA, USA
3Janssen, Mexico City, Mexico
4IMS Health, Mexico City, Mexico
5IMS Health, Mexico, D.F., Mexico
6IMS Heath, San Francisco, CA, USA
7Janssen, Raritan, NJ, USA |
Publication(s): Value Health, 2015, 18(7); A818
Document Type(s): Poster, |
Countries: Mexico, USA, |
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Oncology, 2015 |
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English Cost analysis, |
Rituximab versus an alternative TNF inhibitor in patients with rheumatoid arthritis who failed to respond to a single previous TNF inhibitor: SWITCH-RA, a global, observational, comparative effectiveness study. |
Author(s): Emery P1, Gottenberg JE2, Rubbert-Roth A3, Sarzi-Puttini P4, Choquette D5, Taboada VM6, Barile-Fabris L7, Moots RJ8, Ostor A9, Andrianakos A10, Gemmen E11, Mpofu C12, Chung C13, Gylvin LH12, Finckh A14. |
Affiliations(s): 1Leeds Institute of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Medicine, University of Leeds, Chapel Allerton Hospital, Leeds, UK NIHR Leeds Musculoskeletal Biomedical Research Unit, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Leeds, UK.
2Department of Rheumatology, CHU Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France.
3University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany.
4L Sacco University Hospital, Milan, Italy.
5University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada.
6Facultad de Medicina, Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla, Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain.
7Hospital de Especialidades Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, México City, Mexico.
8Department of Rheumatology, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK.
9Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK.
10Hellenic Foundation for Rheumatological Research, Athens, Greece.
11Quintiles, Rockville, Maryland, USA.
12F Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Basel, Switzerland.
13Genentech Inc, San Francisco, California, USA.
14University Hospital of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. |
Publication(s): Ann Rheum Dis. 2015 Jun;74(6):979-84
Document Type(s): Article, |
Countries: Canada, Colombia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Portugal, Spain, UK, |
Click here for the abstract |
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Comparative Effectiveness & Health Technology Assessment, Rheumatology, 2015 |
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English Clinical setting: hospital, clinical setting: Secondary care, Prospective study, RWLPR (Real-World Late Phase Research-quintiles, |
Direct Costs of Type 2 Diabetes in Mexico from the Public Healthcare Sector Perspective |
Author(s): Chatzitheofilou I1, Babineaux SM2, Ramírez-Gámez J3, McDonell A1, Vega-Hernandez G1 |
Affiliations(s): 1IMS, London, England, 2Eli Lilly & Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA, 3Eli Lilly and Company, México, Mexico |
Publication(s): ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference. Value in Health 2013
Document Type(s): Poster, |
Countries: Mexico, |
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Diabetes, 2013 |
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English Burden of illness, Cost analysis, Cost of illness, |
Author(s): Munakata J1, Leyva V1, Wehler E1, Bertwistle D1, Valencia A2, Hernández A2, Torre L2, Gonzalez-Michaca L2 |
Affiliations(s): 1IMS Health, 2Janssen de Mexico |
Publication(s): ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference, 2013
Document Type(s): Poster, |
Countries: Mexico, |
C: Y: |
Oncology, 2013 |
L: A: |
English Cost analysis, Cost benefit, |
The cost-effectiveness of bendamustine versus fludarabine for the first-line treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (cll) in Mexico. |
Author(s): Bertwistle D1, Munakata J2, Wehler E3, Leyva V4, Valencia A5, Hernandez A5, de la Torre L5, Gonzalez L6 |
Affiliations(s): 1IMS Health, London, United Kingdom, 2IMS Health, San Francisco, CA, USA, 3IMS Health, Alexandria, VA, USA, 4IMS Health, Mexico City, Mexico, 5Janssen, Mexico City, Mexico, 6Janssen, Raritan, NJ, USA |
Publication(s): ISPOR 16th Annual European Congress, 2013. PCN99.
Document Type(s): Abstract, Poster, |
Countries: Mexico, |
C: Y: |
Oncology, 2013 |
L: A: |
English Cost effectiveness, |
The cost-effectiveness of bendamustine-rituximab versus fludarabine-rituximab for patients with indolent non-hodgkin's lymphoma (inhl) who have progressed following treatment with rituximab or a rituximab-containing regimen in Mexico |
Author(s): Bertwistle D1, Munakata J2, Wehler E3, Leyva V4, Valencia A5, Hernandez A5, de la Torre L5, Gonzalez L6 |
Affiliations(s): 1IMS Health, London, United Kingdom, 2IMS Health, San Francisco, CA, USA, 3IMS Health, Alexandria, VA, USA, 4IMS Health, Mexico City, Mexico, 5Janssen, Mexico City, Mexico, 6Janssen, Raritan, NJ, USA |
Publication(s): ISPOR 16th Annual European Congress, 2013. PCN110.
Document Type(s): Abstract, Poster, |
Countries: Mexico, |
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Oncology, 2013 |
L: A: |
English Cost effectiveness, |
Direct Medical Costs of Treating Diabetes Related Complications in Mexico
Author(s): Vega-Hernandez G1, Jugrin A1, Radford M1, Bloomfield E1, Todorova L2, Hansen BB3
Affiliations(s): 1 IMS Health, HEOR London, UK 2 Novo Nordisk International Operations, Zurich, Switzerland 3 Novo Nordisk A/S, Søborg, Denmark |
Publication(s): ISPOR 17th Annual International Meeting, June 2-6 2012, Washington, USA
Document Type(s): Poster, |
Countries: Mexico, |
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Diabetes, 2012 |
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English Cost of illness, |