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Condition: Neurological disorders
The CLARION study: first report on safety findings in patients newly initiating treatment with cladribine tablets or fingolimod for multiple sclerosis
Authors: Helmut Butzkueven, Jan Hillert, Merja Soilu-Hänninen, Tjalf Ziemssen, Jens Kuhle, Stig Wergeland, Melinda Magyari, Joseph R. Berger, Nicholas Moore, Aida Aydemir, Irene Bezemer & Meritxell Sabidó
Affiliations: "a Department of Neuroscience, Central Clinical School, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia; b The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia; c Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden; d Turku University Hospital Neurocenter and Division of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Turku, Turku, Finland; e Center of Clinical Neuroscience, Department of Neurology, Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany; f Multiple Sclerosis Center and Research Center for Clinical Neuroimmunology and Neuroscience (RC2NB), Departments of Biomedicine and Clinical Research, University Hospital and University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland; g Department of Neurology, University Hospital and University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland; h Norwegian MS Registry and Biobank, Department of Neurology, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway; i Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway; j Danish Multiple Sclerosis Center and the Danish Multiple Sclerosis Registry, Department of Neurology, Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark; k Department of Neurology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA; l Bordeaux PharmacoEpi (BPE), Universit�e de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France; m EMD Serono Research & Development Institute, Inc, Billerica, MA, USA, an affiliate of Merck KGaA; n Global Epidemiology, IQVIA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; o Merck Healthcare KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany"
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Australia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Comparative Effectiveness & Health Technology Assessment, Drug safety, Neurological disorders 2023 English , clinical setting: Secondary care, Epidemiological study, Population Based Study
Burden of caregivers of patients with neuronopathic and non-neuronopathic Gaucher disease in Japan: a survey-based study
Authors: Yuta Koto 1, Aya Narita 2, Shinichi Noto 3, Masafumi Okada 4, Midori Ono 5, Terumi Baba 5, Rieko Sagara 5, Norio Sakai 1 (rwesheorj 4)
Affiliations: 1) Child Healthcare and Genetic Science Laboratory, Division of Health Sciences, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, 2-2 Yamadaoka, Suita-shi, Osaka 565-0871, Japan 2) Division of Child Neurology, Institute of Neurological Science, Tottori University Faculty of Medicine, 86 Nishi-cho, Yonago-shi, Tottori 683-8503, Japan 3) Department of Rehabilitation, Niigata University of Health and Welfare, 1398 Shimami-cho, Kita-ku, Niigata-shi, Niigata 950-3198, Japan 4) Real-World Evidence Solutions & HEOR, IQVIA Solutions Japan K.K., 4-10-18 Takanawa, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0074, Japan 5) Japan Medical Office, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, 2-1-1 Nihonbashi-Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8688, Japan
Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports
Document Types: , Article, Online article
Countries: , Japan
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Endocrinology, Neurological disorders 2023 English , Patient questionnaire, Survey research
Prevalence of subjective memory complaints: Population study in Spain
Authors: Javier González García a∗, Eva García Aguilar a, Tatiana Vilchez Quinoa, Marta Blanco b and Carmen Barrull b
Affiliations: a Departamento Médico, ITF Research Pharma, SLU, Alcobendas, Madrid, España b IQVIA España, Barcelona, España
Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Spain
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders 2023 Spanish
The CLARION study design and status update: a long-term, registry-based study evaluating adverse events of special interest in patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis newly started on cladribine tablets
Authors: Helmut Butzkueven 1 2, Nicholas Moore 3, Aida Aydemir 4, Jaak Sõnajalg 5, Irene Bezemer 6, Pasi Korhonen 7, Meritxell Sabidó 8, CLARION Study Group
Affiliations: 1Department of Neuroscience, Central Clinical School, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. 2The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Australia. 3Bordeaux PharmacoEpi (BPE), Université de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France. 4Global Biostatistics, EMD Serono Research & Development Institute, Inc, Billerica, MA, USA (an affiliate of Merck KGaA). 5Global Database Studies, IQVIA, Tartu, Estonia. 6Global Epidemiology and Outcomes Research, IQVIA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 7IQVIA (former EPID Research), Espoo, Finland. 8Global Epidemiology, Merck Healthcare KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.
Current Medical Research and Opinion, DOI: 10.1080/03007995.2022.2059977
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Australia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Drug safety, Neurological disorders 2022 English , clinical setting: Secondary care, Epidemiological study, Observational study, Population Based Study, Retrospective database analysis
A real-world, observational study of erenumab for migraine prevention in Canadian patients
Authors: Werner J Becker 1, Sian Spacey 2, Elizabeth Leroux 3, Rose Giammarco 4, Jonathan Gladstone 5, Suzanne Christie 6, Arash Akaberi 7, G Sarah Power 8, Jagdeep K Minhas 9, Johanna Mancini 7, Driss Rochdi 10, Ayca Filiz 10, Natacha Bastien 10
Affiliations: 1Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 2Division of Neurology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 3Brunswick Medical Center, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 4Hamilton Headache Clinic, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. 5Gladstone Headache Clinic, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 6Ottawa Headache Centre Inc., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 7IQVIA Solutions Canada Inc., Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 8IQVIA Solutions Canada Inc., Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. 9IQVIA Solutions Canada Inc., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 10Novartis Canada, Dorval, Quebec, Canada.
Headache. 2022 Apr;62(4):522-529. doi: 10.1111/head.14291. Epub 2022 Apr 10. PMID: 35403223.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Canada
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2022 English , Observational study
The longitudinal relationship between fatigue, depression, anxiety, disability, and adherence with cognitive status in patients with early multiple sclerosis treated with interferon beta-1a
Authors: Hanne van Ballegooijen, Karin van der Hiele, Christian Enzinger, Gert de Voer, Leo H. Visser, on behalf of the CONFIDENCE Study Group
Affiliations: IQVIA Netherlands, Real World Evidence, Netherlands b Department of Psychology, Health, Medical and Neuropsychology Unit, Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands c Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria d Merck BV, Schiphol-Rijk, The Netherlands, an affiliate of Merck KGaA, Germany e St Elisabeth Tweesteden Hospital, Tilburg, the Netherlands
eNeurologicalSci, Volume 28, 2022, 100409, ISSN 2405-6502, (
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Austria, Belgium, Netherlands , Slovakia
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Drug safety, Drug Utlization Study, Neurological disorders 2022 English , Clinical setting: hospital, clinical setting: Secondary care, Epidemiological study, Population Based Study, Prospective study
Nutritional status and use of health resources after the implementation of an enteral nutrition program by PEG probe for neurological patients with home hospitalization
Authors: Blanco Ramos B, Lopez Garcia B, Gómez Bellvert N.
Affiliations: Hospital General Universitario de Elda (Alicante). Carretera Elda-Sax SN. 03600
Nutr Hosp . 2022 Jun 24;39(3):489-498. doi: 10.20960/nh.03813.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Spain
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders, Nutritional Disorders 2022 Spanish , Clinical setting: hospital, Cost benefit, Observational study, Population Based Study, Quality of life
Real picture of patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease in Japan: IQVIA Claims Database
Authors: Yuki Kado 1, Yuya Tamai 1, Seok-Won Kim 1, Sven Demiya 1 (rwesheorj 1)
Affiliations: 1) Real World Evidence Solutions & HEOR, IQVIA Solutions Japan K.K., Tokyo, Japan
Document Types: , Conference, Poster, Presentation
Countries: , Japan
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2022 English , Database Study
Database study on background information and first-line drug treatment of patients with early-onset Alzheimer's disease
Authors: Shingo Wada 1, Ryosuke Miyagawa 2, Ai Inada 2, Yugo Namiya 2, Komei Iwasaki 2, Ryohei Kobayashi 2, Kaiwei Yan 1 (rwesheorj 1)
Affiliations: 1) IQVIA Solutions Japan K.K. 2) IQVIA Services Japan K.K.
The 27th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Pharmacoepidemiology
Document Types: , Conference, Oral presentation
Countries: , Japan
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2022 Japanese , Database Study
Multimodal strategy to rescue the brain in mild cognitive impairment: Ketogenic oral nutrition supplementation with B vitamins and aerobic exercise
Authors: Stephen C Cunnane 1, Russell H Swerdlow 2, Marco Inzitari 3 4, Gloria Olaso-Gonzalez 5, José Viña 5
Affiliations: 1Research Center on Aging and Department of Medicine, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. 2University of Kansas Alzheimer's Disease Center, KUMC Neurodegenerative Disorders Program, University of Kansas School of Medicine, Lawrence, Kansas, USA. 3REFiT Barcelona Research Group, Parc Sanitari Pere Virgili and Vall d'Hebrón Institute of Research, Barcelona, Spain. 4Department of Health Sciences, Universitat Oberta de Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain. 5Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitat de València, Valencia, Spain.
Document Types: , Article
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders, Nutritional Disorders, Public Health 2022 English , Review
Impact of supplementation with vitamins B6 , B12 , and/or folic acid on the reduction of homocysteine levels in patients with mild cognitive impairment: A systematic review
Authors: Gloria Olaso-Gonzalez 1, Marco Inzitari 2 3, Giuseppe Bellelli 4, Alessandro Morandi 2 5, Núria Barcons 6, José Viña 1
Affiliations: 1Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitat de València, Valencia, Spain. 2REFiT Barcelona Research Group, Parc Sanitari Pere Virgili and Vall d'Hebrón Institute of Research, Barcelona, Spain. 3Department of Health Sciences, Universitat Oberta de Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain. 4School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Milano-Bicocca and Acute Geriatric Unit, San Gerardo Hospital, Monza, Italy. 5Department of Rehabilitation and Aged Care, Fondazione Teresa Camplani, Hospital Ancelle, Cremona, Italy. 6Medical Affairs, Nestlé Health Science, Vevey, Switzerland.
IUBMB Life . 2022 Jan;74(1):74-84. doi: 10.1002/iub.2507. Epub 2021 May 31.
Document Types: , Article
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders, Nutritional Disorders 2022 English , Review
Long-Term Observational Results from the ASPIRE Study: OnabotulinumtoxinA Treatment for Adult Lower Limb Spasticity.
Authors: Alberto Esquenazi 1, Ganesh Bavikatte 2, Daniel S Bandari 3, Wolfgang H Jost 4 5, Michael C Munin 6, Simon Fuk Tan Tang 7, Joan Largent 8, Aubrey Manack Adams 9, Aleksej Zuzek 9, Gerard E Francisco 10
Affiliations: 1MossRehab Gait and Motion Analysis Laboratory, Elkins Park, PA, USA. 2The Walton Centre, Liverpool, UK. 3Multiple Sclerosis Center of California, Laguna Hills, CA, USA. 4Department of Neurology, University of Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. 5Parkinson-Klinik Ortenau, Wolfach, Germany. 6Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. 7Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Lotung Poh-Ai Hospital, Yilan, Taiwan. 8IQVIA Real-World Evidence Solutions, Cambridge, MA, USA. 9Allergan, An AbbVie company, Irvine, CA, USA. 10University of Texas Health Science Center McGovern Medical School and TIRR Memorial Hermann, Houston, TX, USA.
PMID: 33151636 DOI: 10.1002/pmrj.12517
Document Types: , Article
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2021 English , Epidemiological study, Observational study
Protocol of the Cognitive Health in Ageing Register: Investigational, Observational and Trial Studies in Dementia Research (CHARIOT): Prospective Readiness cOhort (PRO) SubStudy
Authors: Udeh-Momoh CT, Watermeyer T, Price G, de Jager Loots CA, Reglinska-Matveyev N, Ropacki M, Ketter N, Fogle M, Raghavan N, Arrighi M, Brashear R, Di J, Baker S, Giannakopoulou P, Robb C, Bassil D, Cohn M, McLellan-Young H, Crispin J, Lakey K, Lisa C, Chowdary Seemulamoodi Y, Kafetsouli D, Perera D, Car J, Majeed A, Ward H, Ritchie K, Perneczky R, Kivipelto M, Scott D, Bracoud L, Saad Z, Novak G, Ritchie CW, Middleton L
Affiliations: Imperial College London
BMJ Open
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2021 English , Epidemiological study, Observational study
Interferon beta Exposure in the 2nd and 3rd Trimester of Pregnancy - a Register-based Drug Utilisation Study in Finland and Sweden
Authors: Meritxell Sabidó1, Kiliana Suzart-Woischnik2, Nydjie Grimes3, Lisa M Prach4, Liwei Zhao5, Katja M Hakkarainen5
Affiliations: 1Merck Healthcare KGaA; 2Bayer AG; 3Biogen Netherlands B.V.; 4Novartis Pharma AG; 5Global Database Studies, IQVIA
ECTRIMS 2021, Digital, 13-15 October 2021
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , Finland, Sweden
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Drug Utlization Study, Neurological disorders 2021 English , Clinical setting: hospital, Clinical setting: Primary care, clinical setting: Secondary care, Epidemiological study, Population Based Study, Retrospective database analysis
Interferon beta Exposure in the 2nd and 3rd Trimester of Pregnancy - a Register-based Drug Utilisation Study in Finland and Sweden
Authors: Meritxell Sabidó1, Kiliana Suzart-Woischnik2, Nydjie Grimes3, Lisa M Prach4, Liwei Zhao5, Katja M Hakkarainen5
Affiliations: 1Merck Healthcare KGaA; 2Bayer AG; 3Biogen Netherlands B.V.; 4Novartis Pharma AG; 5Global Database Studies, IQVIA
ECTRIMS 2021, Digital, 13-15 October 2021
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , Finland, Sweden
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Drug Utlization Study, Neurological disorders 2021 English , Clinical setting: hospital, Clinical setting: Primary care, clinical setting: Secondary care, Epidemiological study, Population Based Study, Retrospective database analysis
Infections in patients with multiple sclerosis: A national cohort study in Sweden
Authors: Anna Castelo-Branco, Flaminia Chiesa, Simona Conte, Camilla Bengtsson , Sally Lee, Neil Minton, Steve Niemcryk, Anders Lindholm, Mats Rosenlund, Fredrik Piehl, Scott Montgomery
Affiliations: 1.Real-world Insights, IQVIA Nordics, Solna, Sweden 2. Celgene Corporation, Summit, NJ, USA
Mult Scler Relat Disord. 2020;45:102420. [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jul 23].
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , Sweden
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Infectious disease, Neurological disorders, Patient Registries & Real-World Study Methods 2020 English , Epidemiological study
Non-infectious comorbidity in patients with multiple sclerosis: A national cohort study in Sweden
Authors: Anna Castelo-Branco, Flaminia Chiesa, Camilla E Bengtsson , Sally Lee, Neil N Minton, Steve Niemcryk, Anders Lindholm, Mats Rosenlund, Fredrik Piehl, Scott Montgomery
Affiliations: 1.Real-world Insights, IQVIA Nordics, Solna, Sweden 2. Celgene Corporation, Summit, NJ, USA
Mult Scler J Exp Transl Clin. 2020 Jul-Sep; 6(3): 2055217320947761. Published online 2020 Aug 14
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Sweden
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Cardiovascular disease, Neurological disorders, Patient Registries & Real-World Study Methods 2020 English , Epidemiological study, Observational study, Population Based Study, Retrospective cohort analysis
High clinician- and patient-reported satisfaction with individualized onabotulinumtoxinA treatment for spasticity across several etiologies from the ASPIRE study
Authors: Gerard E Francisco 1, Daniel S Bandari 2, Ganesh Bavikatte 3, Wolfgang H Jost 4 5, Emily McCusker 6, Joan Largent 7, Aleksej Zuzek 6, Alberto Esquenazi 8
Affiliations: 1The University of Texas Health Science Center McGovern Medical School and TIRR Memorial Hermann, Houston, TX, USA. 2Multiple Sclerosis Center of California & Research Group, Newport Beach, CA, USA. 3The Walton Centre, Liverpool, UK. 4University of Freiburg, Department of Neurology, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. 5Parkinson-Klinik Ortenau, Wolfach, Germany. 6Allergan, an AbbVie Company, Irvine, CA, USA. 7IQVIA Real-World Evidence Solutions, Cambridge, MA, USA. 8MossRehab Gait and Motion Analysis Laboratory, Elkins Park, PA, USA.
PMID: 32875289 PMCID: PMC7452133 DOI: 10.1016/j.toxcx.2020.100040
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Europe, USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2020 English , Epidemiological study, Observational study
Individualized OnabotulinumtoxinA Treatment for Upper Limb Spasticity Resulted in High Clinician- and Patient-Reported Satisfaction: Long-Term Observational Results from the ASPIRE Study
Authors: Gerard E Francisco 1, Wolfgang H Jost 2, Ganesh Bavikatte 3, Daniel S Bandari 4, Simon F T Tang 5, Michael C Munin 6, Joan Largent 7, Aubrey M Adams 8, Aleksej Zuzek 8, Alberto Esquenazi 9
Affiliations: 1The University of Texas Health Science Center McGovern Medical School and TIRR Memorial Hermann, Houston, TX. 2Department of Neurology, University of Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. 3The Walton Centre, Liverpool, UK. 4Multiple Sclerosis Center of California & Research Group, Newport Beach, CA. 5Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Lotung Poh-Ai Hospital, Yilan, Taiwan. 6Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA. 7IQVIA Real-World Evidence Solutions, Cambridge, MA. 8Allergan plc, Irvine, CA. 9MossRehab Gait and Motion Analysis Laboratory, Elkins Park, PA.
PMID: 31953896 PMCID: PMC7687094 DOI: 10.1002/pmrj.12328
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Asia Pacific, Europe, USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2020 English , Epidemiological study, Observational study
Multicenter Prospective Evaluation of Parenteral Nutrition Preparation Time and Resource Utilization: 3-Chamber Bags Compared With Hospital Pharmacy-Compounded Bags
Authors: Sarah V Cogle 1 2, Robert G Martindale 3, Mafalda Ramos 4, Gregory J Roberti 5, Pamela R Roberts 6, Kaci Taylor 7, Gordon S Sacks 1 8
Affiliations: 1Department of Pharmacy Practice, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, USA. 2Department of Pharmacy, East Alabama Medical Center, Opelika, Alabama, USA. 3Department of Surgery, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon, USA. 4IQVIA, Zaventem, Belgium. 5Department of Pharmacy, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon, USA. 6Department of Anesthesiology, University of Oklahoma College of Medicine, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA. 7Department of Pharmacy, OU Medical Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA. 8Medical Affairs, Fresenius Kabi, LLC, Lake Zurich, Illinois, USA.
Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Volume 0 Number 0 November 2020 1–7 DOI: 10.1002/jpen.2045
PMID: 33188572 DOI: 10.1002/jpen.2045
Document Types: 
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Health economics, Neurological disorders 2020 English , Clinical setting: hospital, Cost effectiveness, Prospective study
Real-world insights on the management of migraine patients: an Italian nationwide study
Authors: Agostoni E1, Barbanti P2, Frediani F3, Trifirò G4, Burgio L5, di Nola L5, Pegoraro V6, Pulimeno S5, Cepparulo M5
Affiliations: 1 Neurology and Stroke Unit, Department of Neurosciences, Niguarda Neuro Center, ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, Milan, Italy 2 Headache and Pain Unit, Department of Neurological, Motor and Sensorial Sciences, IRCCS San Raffaele Pisana, Rome, Italy - San Raffaele University, Rome, Italy 3 Headache Center, Neurology and Stroke Unit Division, S. Carlo Borromeo Hospital, ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo, Milan, Italy 4 Department of Biomedical and Dental Sciences and Morphofunctional Imaging, University of Messina, Messina, Italy 5 TEVA Italia Srl, Milan, Italy 6 IQVIA, Milan, Italy
Curr Med Res Opin. 2019 Mar 29:1-10
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Italy
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders, Pain 2019 English , Database Study, Epidemiological study, Observational study, Real World Data, Real World Evidence, Retrospective cohort analysis, Retrospective database analysis
Economic evaluation of cladribine tablets in relapsing multiple sclerosis (RMS) patients with high disease activity (HAD) in lebanon
Authors: Metni M1, Yamout B2, Koussa S3, Khamis C3, Fleifel L4, Sharifi S4, Mohamed O5
Affiliations: 1National Social Security Fund, Beirut, NJ, Lebanon, 2American University if Beirut, Beirut, NJ, Lebanon, 3Geitaoui hospital, Beirut, Lebanon, 4Merck Serono Middle East FZ-Ltd, an affiliate of Merck KGaA, Dubai, 07, United Arab Emirates, 5IQVIA, Dubai, NJ, United Arab Emirates
2019-11, ISPOR Europe 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , Lebanon
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2019 English , Budget impact, Cost utility
Cost effectiveness of cladribine tablets for treatment of RRMS in the Netherlands
Authors: de Francesco M1, Mahajan K2, Michels RE3, Schiffers K4, Budhia S5, Harty G6, Krol M3
Affiliations: 1IQVIA, Zaventem, Belgium, 2IQVIA, Gurgaon, India, 3IQVIA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 4Merck B.V., an affiliate of Merck KGaA, Schiphol-Rijk, The Netherlands, 5PAREXEL International, Waltham, MA, USA, 6EMD Serono, Billerica, MA, USA
2018-11, ISPOR Europe 2018, Barcelona, Spain
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Netherlands
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2019 English , Cost effectiveness, Predictive analytics
Pregnancy and Infant Outcomes with Interferon Beta: Data from the European Interferon Beta Pregnancy Registry and MS Pregnancy study conducted in Finland and Sweden
Authors: "Kerstin Hellwig*, Yvonne Geissbuehler2, Meritxell Sabidó3, Catrinel Popescu4, Alessandra Adamo5, Joachim Klinger6, Peter Huppke7, Asher Ornoy8, Pasi Korhonen9, Kjell-Morten Myhr10, Scott Montgomery11, Sarah Burkill11, European Interferon Beta Pregnancy Study Group"
Affiliations: *Katholisches Klinikum Bochum, St Josef-Hospital Universitatsklinikum, Bochum, Germany; 9StatFinn & EPID Research, Espoo, Finland
AAN, Philadelphia, USA, 4-10 May 2019
Document Types: , Oral presentation
Countries: , Europe, Finland, Nordic, Sweden
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2019 English , Epidemiological study, Population Based Study
No increased risk of spontaneous abortion and ectopic pregnancy after exposure to interferon-beta prior to or during pregnancy: Results from register-based Nordic study among women with MS
Authors: R. Juuti1, K. M. Hakkarainen 1, S. Burkill 2, Y. Geissbuehler 3, M. Sabidó 4, C. Popescu 5, A. Adamo 6, J. Hillert 2, S. Cnattingius 2, M. Artama 7, A. Verkkoniemi-Ahola 8, K.-M. Myhr 9, J. Mehtälä 1, S. Bahmanyar 2, S. Montgomery 2,10, P. Korhonen 1 and the European Interferon Beta Pregnancy Study Group
Affiliations: 1StatFinn-EPID Research, Espoo, Finland
EAN, Oslo, Norway, June 29-2 July, 2019
Document Types: , Oral presentation
Countries: , Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2019 English , Epidemiological study, Population Based Study, Retrospective database analysis
Prevalence of infant outcomes at birth after exposure to interferon beta prior to or during pregnancy: A register-based cohort study in Finland and Sweden among women with MS
Authors: Pia Vattulainen1, Sarah Burkill2, Yvonne Geissbuehler3, Meritxell Sabidó4, Catrinel Popescu5, Kiliana Suzart-Woischnik6, Kjell-Morten Myhr7, Scott Montgomery2,8, Pasi Korhonen1 the European Interferon Beta Pregnancy Study Group and the Nordic MS Pregnancy & Interferon Beta study group
Affiliations: 1StatFinn-EPID Research, Espoo, Finland
ECTRIMS, Stockholm, Sweden, 11-13 September, 2019
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , Finland, Nordic, Sweden
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2019 English , Epidemiological study, Population Based Study, Retrospective cohort analysis
The clinical and cost impact of switching to fingolimod versus other first line injectable disease-modifying therapies in patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis
Authors: Freedman MS1, Duquette P2, Grand'Maison F3, Lee L4, Vorobeychik G5, Lara N6, Khurana V7, Nakhaipour HR8, Schecter R8, Haddad P8
Affiliations: 1 University of Ottawa and The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 2 Notre Dame Hospital, Université de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec , Canada 3 Neuro-Rive Sud Clinic , Greenfield Park , Quebec , Canada 4 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre , University of Toronto , Toronto , Ontario , Canada 5 Fraser Health Multiple Sclerosis Clinic Burnaby Hospital , Burnaby , British Columbia , Canada 6 IQVIA , Barcelona , Spain 7 Novartis Healthcare Private Limited , Hyderabad , India 8 Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc., Dorval, Quebec, Canada
Curr Med Res Opin. 2019 May;35(5):767-776
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Canada
Abstract: doi: 10.1080/03007995.2019.1565818. Epub 2019 Jan 21.
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2019 English , Burden of illness, Retrospective Field Study
Characterization of preventive treatment in episodic and chronic migraine patients managed by general practitioners in Italy
Authors: Pegoraro V1, Heiman F1, di Nola L2, Pulimeno S2, Burgio L2
Affiliations: 1 IQVIA, RWI, Milan, Italy 2 Teva Italia Srl, Assago, Milan, Italy
ISPOR 21st Annual European Congress, 10-14 November 2018, Barcelona, Spain
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , Italy
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders, Pain 2018 English , Database Study, Epidemiological study, Real World Data, Real World Evidence, Retrospective cohort analysis, Retrospective database analysis
Diagnoses of Dizziness- and Vertigo-Related in ENT Practices in Germany
Authors: Seidel DU, Park JJH, Sesterhenn AM, Kostev K
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders 2018 English
Diagnosis and Treating Dementia in German Primary and Specialized Care Between 2011 and 2015
Authors: Michalowsky B, Kostev K, Iliffe S, Hoffmann W, Bohlken J
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders 2018 English
The Influence of Polypharmacy on the Initiation of Anti-Dementia Therapy in Germany
Authors: Bohlken J, Jacob L, Van Den Bussche H, Kostev K
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders 2018 English
Relevance of Coded Prodromal MCI in the Future Routine Treatment of Patients with Dementia in Germany
Authors: Bohlekn J, Kostev K
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders 2018 English
Impact of Osteoporosis on the Risk of Dementia in Almost 60,000 Patients Followed in General Practices in Germany
Authors: Kostev K, Hadji P, Jacob L
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders 2018 English
Cost effectiveness of cladribine tablets for treatmetn of RMS in The Netherlands.
Authors: De Francesco M1, Mahajan K2, Michels R3, Schiffers K4, Budhia S5, Harty G5, Krol M3
Affiliations: 1 IQVIA, Zaventem, Belgium 2 IQVIA, India Michels 3 IQVIA, Netherlands 4 Merck, Netherlands 5 Merck, UK
ISPOR 21st Annual European Congress, 2018, November 10-14, Barcelona, Spain
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , Netherlands
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2018 English , Cost effectiveness, Cost utility
Healthcare utilization and costs of multiple sclerosis patients in the Netherlands: a healthcare claims database study.
Authors: Buijs S1, Krol M2, de Voer G3
Affiliations: 1 Healthcare Insights, Netherlands 2 IQVIA, Netherlands 3 Merck, Netherlands
Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research, 2018, Vol. 7, No. 5
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Netherlands
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2018 English , Cost of illness
Spanish validation of a specific measure to assess work-related problems in people with multiple sclerosis: The Multiple Sclerosis Work Difficulties Questionnaire (MSWDQ-23)
Authors: Martínez-Ginés ML, García-Domínguez JM, Forero L, Canal N, Rebollo P, Prefasi D, Honan CA, Maurino J.
Affiliations: Department of Neurology, Hospital Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, SpainDepartment of Neurology, Hospital Universitario Puerta del Mar, Cádiz, Spain IQVIA, Barcelona, Spain Medical Department, Roche Farma, Madrid, Spain Department of Psychology, School of Medicine, University of Tasmania, Newnham, Australia
Mult Scler Relat Disord. 2018 May;22:115-119
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Spain
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2018 English , Burden of illness, Clinical setting: hospital, Patient questionnaire
Prevalence of use of cardiovascular drugs in dementia patients treated in general practices in Germany
Authors: Jacob L, Bohlken J, Kostev K
J Alzheimers Dis. 2017;56(4):1519-1524.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Cardiovascular disease, Neurological disorders 2017 English , Epidemiological study
Risk factors for mild cognitive impairment in German primary care practices
Authors: Jacob L, Bohlken J, Kostev K
J Alzheimers Dis. 2017;56(1):379-384
Document Types: , Article
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2017 English
Risk of dementia in German patients treated with antidepressants in general or psychiatric practices
Authors: Jacob L, Bohlken J, Kostev K
Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2017 Apr;55(4):322-328.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders 2017 English
Prescription patterns and drugs costs in German patients with dementia in nursing homes and home care settings
Authors: Jacob L, Bohlken J, Kostev K
Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2017 Jan;55(1):9-15
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2017 English
Prescription patterns and costs of migraine treatments in German general and neurological practices
Authors: Jacob L, Kostev K
Pain Pract. 2017 Jul;17(6):747-752.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2017 English
Prescription patterns and costs of migraine treatments in German general and neurological practices
Authors: Jacob L, Kostev K
Pain Pract. 2017 Jul;17(6):747-752.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2017 English
Persistence with antihypertensive drugs in patients with hypertension and dementia in Germany
Authors: Jacob L, Adam-Schnepf L, Kostev K
J Alzheimers Dis. 2017
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Cardiovascular disease, Neurological disorders 2017 English
Adherence to antiepileptic drugs in children and adolescents: a retrospective study in primary care settings in Germany
Authors: Jacob L, Hamer H, Kostev K
Affiliations: Faculty of Medicine, University of Paris 5, Paris, France. Electronic address: Department of Neurology, Epilepsy Center, University of Erlangen, Germany. Electronic address: Epidemiology, QuintilesIMS, Frankfurt, Germany. Electronic address:
Epilepsy Behav. 2017
Epilepsy Behav. 2017 Oct;75:36-41
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2017 English , Retrospective cohort analysis
Persistence with oral antihyperglycemic drugs in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with dementia in Germany
Authors: Jacob L, Adam-Schnepf L, Kostev K
Affiliations: Faculty of Medicine, University of Paris 5, Paris, France. Department of Neurology, Epilepsy Center, University of Erlangen, Germany. Epidemiology QuintilesIMS, Frankfurt, Germany. Electronic address:
J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2017 Jun 1:1932296817719090
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Diabetes, Neurological disorders 2017 English , Retrospective database analysis
Persistence with antiepileptic drugs in epilepsy patients treated in neurological practices in Germany
Authors: Jacob L, Hamer H, Kostev K
Epilepsy Behav. 2017 Jun 22;73:204-207. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2017.06.008. [Epub ahead of print]
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2017 English
Association between Anti-Dementia Treatment Persistence and Daily Dosage of the First Prescription: A Retrospective Analysis in Neuropsychiatric Practices in Germany.
Authors: Bohlken J, Jacob L, Kostev K
J Alzheimers Dis. 2017 Mar 29. doi: 10.3233/JAD-170091. [Epub ahead of print]
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2017 English , Retrospective cohort analysis
Patient adherence to subcutaneous IFN beta-1a injections using the Rebismart® injection device:a retrospective real-world among Dutch and German patients with multiple sclerosis.
Authors: Krol M1, deVoer G2, Osowski U3
Affiliations: 1 QuintilesIMS, The Netherlands 2 Merck B.V., Schiphol-Rijk, the Netherlands 3 Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany, Netherlands
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2017 English , clinical setting: Secondary care, Compliance, Retrospective database analysis
Creating a Rare Disease Cohort Using Ambulatory Electronic Medical Record Data: Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
Authors: Anderson A, Casso D, Oliveria SA, Kou TD
Affiliations: AA, DC, and SAO are employees of QuintilesIMS. TDK is an employee of BMS
33rd International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology and Therapeutic Risk Management, August 26-30, 2017; Montreal, Canada
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders, Patient Registries & Real-World Study Methods, Rare Diseases 2017 English , Epidemiological study, Retrospective cohort analysis
Authors: Krishnarajah S., Divino V., Mallick R., DeKoven M.
Affiliations: CSL Behring. IMS authors: Divino V, DeKoven M
2017 Peripheral Nerve Society (PNS) Annual Meeting
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2017 English , Retrospective database analysis
Characteristics of patients with epilepsy newly initiated on brivaracetam: a retrospective claims database analysis
Authors: Jesse Fishman,1 Chakkarin Burudpakedee,2,3 Keiko Wada,2 Melinda Martin1
Affiliations: 1UCB Pharma, Smyrna, GA, USA 2QuintilesIMS, Fairfax, VA, USA 3University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC, USA
AES 2017
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2017 English , Observational study, Retrospective cohort analysis, Retrospective database analysis, Utility analysis
Understanding the health economic burden of patients with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) with epilepsy: a retrospective cohort study in the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD).
Authors: Shepherd, C., Koepp, M., Myland, M., Patel, K.
Affiliations: The Royal Sussex County Hospital; IQVIA London
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2017 English , Epidemiological study
Spanish cultural adaptation of the short version of the Multiple Sclerosis Work Difficulties Questionnaire (MSWDQ-23)
Authors: Martínez-Ginés ML, García-Domínguez JM, Sarmiento M, Maurino J
Affiliations: Martínez-Ginés ML: Servicio de Neurología, Hospital Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, España Sarmiento M: QuintilesIMS, Barcelona, España
Neurología 2017; Apr 5 [Epub ahead of print]
Document Types: , Letter
Countries: , Spain
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Health status & patient reported outcomes, Neurological disorders 2017 Spanish , Patient questionnaire
Conjoint analysis to understand preferences of patients with multiple sclerosis for disease-modifying therapy attributes in Spain: a cross-sectional observational study
Authors: Rafael Arroyo1, Angel P Sempere2, Elena Ruiz-Beato3, Daniel Prefasi4, Agata Carreño5, Montse Roset5, Jorge Maurino4
Affiliations: 1. Department of Neurology, Hospital Universitario Quirónsalud, Madrid, Spain 2. Department of Neurology, Hospital General Universitario de Alicante, Alicante, Spain 3. Health Economics and Outcomes Research Unit, Roche Farma SA, Madrid, Spain 4. Medical Department, Roche Farma SA, Madrid, Spain 5. Health Economics and Outcomes Research, IMS Health, Barcelona, Spain
BMJ Open. 2017 Mar 8;7(3):e014433.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Spain
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2017 English , clinical setting: Secondary care, Observational study
Diagnostic and Prescription Behavior of General Practitioners and Specialist Physicians in Patients with Dementia in 2005 and 2015 in Germany
Authors: Bohlken J, Kostev K
Affiliations: Neuro-psychiatrische Praxis, Berlin, Demenz-Referat im Berufsverband Deutscher Nervenärzte (BVDN). QuintilesIMS, Arbeitsgruppe Epidemiologie, Frankfurt/M.
Psychiatr Prax. 2018 Apr;45(3):154-159
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2017 English , Retrospective database analysis
High Prevalence of Antipsychotic Medication Use in Dementia Patients in German Neuropsychiatric Practices
Authors: Bohlken J, Booker A, Kostev K
Affiliations: Berufsverband Deutscher Nervenärzte, Praxis Bohlken, Berlin. Epidemiologie, IMS Health, Frankfurt am Main.
Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr. 2017 Jun;85(6):345-351
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2017 English , Retrospective database analysis
Adult Spasticity International Registry Study: methodology and baseline patient, healthcare provider, and caregiver characteristics
Authors: Gerard E Francisco 1, Daniel S Bandari, Ganesh Bavikatte, Wolfgang H Jost, Aubrey Manack Adams, Joan Largent, Alberto Esquenazi
Affiliations: Francisco: The University of Texas Health Science Center McGovern Medical School and TIRR Memorial Hermann; Largent: IQVIA
PMID: 28805237 DOI: 10.2340/16501977-2245
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Asia Pacific, Europe, USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2017 English , Epidemiological study, Observational study
Effectiveness of a Risk-Minimization Activity Involving Physician Education on Metabolic Monitoring of Patients Receiving Quetiapine: Results from Two Post-Authorization Safety Studies
Authors: Robert S. Brody, Charles L. Liss, Heather Wray, Ramon Iovin, Carmen Michaylira, Anushini Muthutantri, Philip Damstetter, Catherine Datto, Leigh Jefferies
Int Clin Psychopharmacol. 2016 Jan;31(1):34-41.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Europe
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Drug Utlization Study, Neurological disorders 2016 English , Survey research
Italian neurologists’ perception on cognitive symptoms in major depressive disorder.
Authors: Neri G1-2, Serrati C3, Zolo P4, Cataldo N5, Ripellino C5.
Affiliations: 1 Italian Society of Hospital Neurologists, Rome, Italy 2 Department of Neurology, San Filippo Neri Hospital, Rome, Italy 3 Department of Neurology, IRCCS San Martino Hospital—IST, Genoa, Italy 4 Ambulatorio Malattie Neurodegenerative, Istituto di Riabilitazione MDP, Agazzi, Italy 5 IMS Health Information Solutions Italy srl, Milan, Italy
Neurol Sci. DOI:10.1007/s10072-016-2601-2
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Italy
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders 2016 English , Survey research
Italian electronic health records mapping: is clinical data collection getting in line with the real world evidence era?
Authors: Avitabile A, Caputo A, Gilardelli G, Golotta C, La Grasta L, Heiman F1, Porrello N.
Affiliations: 1 IMS Health Information Solutions Italy Srl, Milan, Italy.
ISPOR 19th Annual European Congress, 2016, 29 October-2 November, Vienna, Austria.
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , Italy
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Health policy, Neurological disorders, Oncology 2016 English , Clinical setting: hospital, Real World Data, Real World Evidence
Characteristics, resources utilization and safety profile of patients with acute pain: a European real world evidence study.
Authors: Katz P1, Pegoraro V2, Heiman F, Liedgens H1.
Affiliations: 1 Grunenthal GmbH, Aachen, Germany 2 IMS Health Information Solutions Italy Srl, Milan, Italy.
ISPOR 19th Annual European Congress, 2016, 29 October-2 November, Vienna, Austria.
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Infectious disease, Neurological disorders, Pain 2016 Italian , Clinical setting: Primary care, Database Study, Epidemiological study, Longitudinal study, Real World Data, Real World Evidence, Retrospective database analysis
Pregabalin prescriptions in the United Kingdom: a drug utilisation study of The Health Improvement Network (THIN) primary care database
Authors: Asomaning K, Abramsky S, Liu Q, Zhou X, Sobel RE, Watt S
Affiliations: Department of Epidemiology, Pfizer Inc.; Department of Medical Affairs, Pfizer Inc
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Drug Utlization Study, Neurological disorders 2016 English , Retrospective database analysis
Predictive analysis for identifying potentially undiagnosed post-stroke spasticity patients in United Kingdom
Authors: Cox AP, Raluy-Callado M, Wang M, Bakheit AM, Moore AP, Dinet J
Affiliations: Evidera, Metro Building; Moseley Hall Hospital, Alcester Road; Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust; Ipsen Pharma
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2016 English , Retrospective database analysis
Is environmental radon gas associated with the incidence of neurodegenerative conditions? A retrospective study of multiple sclerosis in radon affected areas in England and Wales
Authors: Groves-Kirkby CJ, Denman AR, Campbell J, Crockett RG, Phillips PS, Rogers S
Affiliations: Department of Environmental & Geographical Sciences, School of Science and Technology, University of Northampton; Institute of Health & Wellbeing, School of Health, University of Northampton;
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2016 English , Retrospective database analysis
Risk of seizure associated with use of acid-suppressive drugs: An observational cohort study
Authors: Sáez ME, González-Pérez A, Gaist D, Johansson S, Nagy P, García Rodríguez LA
Affiliations: Spanish Centre for Pharmacoepidemiologic Research (CEIFE); Andalusian Bioinformatics Research Centre (CAEBi), Seville; Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital; Department of Clinical Research, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark; AstraZeneca Gothenburg
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2016 English , Retrospective database analysis
Living With an Older Person Dying From Cancer, Lung Disease, or Dementia: Health Outcomes From a General Practice Cohort Study
Authors: Sampson EL, Lodwick R, Rait G, Candy B, Low J, King M, Petersen I
Affiliations: Marie Curie Palliative Care Research Department, Division of Psychiatry University College London; Research Department of Primary Care and Population Health, University College London
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Miscellaneous, Neurological disorders, Oncology, Respiratory disease 2016 English , Retrospective database analysis
The Effect of Safety Warnings on Antipsychotic Drug Prescribing in Elderly Persons with Dementia in the United Kingdom and Italy: A Population-Based Study.
Authors: Sultana J, Fontana A, Giorgianni F, Pasqua A, Cricelli C, Spina E, Gambassi G, Ivanovic J, Ferrajolo C, Molokhia M, Ballard C, Sharp S, Sturkenboom M, Trifirò G
Affiliations: Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Messina; Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus Medical Centre; Unit of Biostatistics, IRCCS Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza; Health Search, Italian College of General Practitioners; Department of Internal Medicine; Italian Drug Agency (AIFA); Department of Experimental Medicine, Pharmacology section; Department of Primary Care and Public Health Sciences; Biomedical Research Unit for Dementia; IRCCS Centro Neurolesi Bonino Pulejo
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Drug safety, Neurological disorders 2016 English , Retrospective database analysis
Predicting dementia risk in primary care: development and validation of the Dementia Risk Score using routinely collected data
Authors: Walters K, Hardoon S, Petersen I, Iliffe S, Omar RZ, Nazareth I, Rait G
Affiliations: Research Department of Primary Care & Population Health, University College London; Department of Statistical Science, University College London
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2016 English , Retrospective database analysis
Prescription Patterns And Costs Of Migraine Therapy In Germany
Authors: Voss F, Dombrowski S, Jacob L, Kostev K
Document Types: , Conference
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2016 English
Progression of mild cognitive impairment to dementia in German specialist practices
Authors: Bohlken J, Jacob L, Kostev K
Dementia (London). 2016 Oct 7. pii: 1471301216673919.
Document Types: , Article
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2016 English
Prevalence of medically treated children with ADHD and type 1 diabetes in Germany – Analysis of two representative databases
Authors: Kapellen TM, Reimann R, Kiess W, Kostev K
J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2016 Nov 1;29(11):1293-1297
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Diabetes, Neurological disorders, Pediatrics 2016 English , Epidemiological study
Persistence with antipsychotics in dementia patients in Germany
Authors: Booker A, Jacob L, Bohlken J, Rapp MA, Kostev K
Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2016 Nov;54(11):835-840.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders 2016 English
Non-adherence to antiepileptic drugs in Germany: a retrospective, population based study
Authors: Gollwitzer S, Kostev K, Hagge M, Lang J, Graf W, Hamer HH
Neurology. 2016 Aug 2;87(5):466-72
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2016 English
Linked Patient-Reported Outcomes Data From Patients With Multiple Sclerosis Recruited on an Open Internet Platform to Health Care Claims Databases Identifies a Representative Population for Real-Life Data Analysis in Multiple Sclerosis
Authors: Risson V, Ghodge B, Bonzani IC, Korn JR, Medin J, Saraykar T, Sengupta S, Saini D, Olson M.
Affiliations: Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland QuintileIMS
J Med Internet Res. 2016 Sep 22;18(9):e249
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders, Patient Registries & Real-World Study Methods 2016 English , Data linkage, direct to patient research, Methodology, social media
Identifying non-responders to brace therapies in multiple sclerosis using advanced predictive models.
Authors: Risson V., Rigg J., Bonzani I., Medin J., Olson M.
Document Types: , Poster
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2016 English , Predictive analytics
The economic burden of tuberous sclerosis complex in UK patients with renal manifestations: a retrospective cohort study in the clinical practice research datalink (CPRD)
Authors: Kingswood, J.C., Nasuti, P., Patel, K., Myland, M.
Affiliations: The Royal Sussex County Hospital; IQVIA London
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2016 English , Epidemiological study
The economic burden of tuberous sclerosis complex in the UK: A retrospective cohort study in the Clinical Practice Research Datalink
Authors: Kingswood, J.C., Crawford, P., Johnson, S.R., Sampson, J.R.,
Affiliations: The Royal Sussex County Hospital; IQVIA London
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2016 English , Epidemiological study
Prediagnostic presentations of Parkinson's disease in primary care: a case-control study
Authors: Schrag A, Horsfall L, Walters K, Noyce A & Petersen I
Affiliations: UCL Institute of Neurology, University College London
The Lancet 14(1):57-64
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders 2015 English , Retrospective database analysis
Congenital Anomalies in Children of Mothers Taking Antiepileptic Drugs with and without Periconceptional High Dose Folic Acid Use: A Population-Based Cohort Study
Authors: Ban L, Fleming KM, Doyle P, Smeeth L, Hubbard RB, Fiaschi L & Tata LJ
Affiliations: Division of Epidemiology & Public Health, University of Nottingham
PLoS One 6;10(7):e0131130
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders, Pediatrics 2015 English , Retrospective database analysis
Incidence and Predictors of Hemorrhagic Stroke in Users of Low-Dose Acetylsalicylic Acid
Authors: González-Pérez A, Sáez ME, Johansson S, Himmelmann A & García Rodríguez LA
Affiliations: Spanish Centre for Pharmacoepidemiologic Research (CEIFE)
J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis pii: S1052-3057(15)00341-9
October 2015Volume 24, Issue 10, Pages 2321–2328
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2015 English , Retrospective database analysis
Parents’ expressed emotion and mood, rather than their physical disability are associated with adolescent adjustment: A longitudinal study of families with a parent with multiple sclerosis
Authors: A Bogosian 1, J Hadwin 2, M Hankins 3, R Moss-Morris 4
Affiliations: 1 Psychology Department, City University, UK 2 Psychology Department, Southampton University, UK 3 Real-World Evidence Solutions, IMS Health, UK 4 Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London,
Clin Rehabil. 2015 Apr 14
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , England, Europe
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Musculoskeletal disease, Neurological disorders, Oncology 2015 English , Longitudinal study
Adherence and cost in multiple sclerosis patients treated with IM IFN beta-1a: impact of the CARE patient management program.
Authors: Katsarava Z1,2, Ehlken B3, Limmroth V4, Taipale K5, Patel SN5, Niemczyk G5, Rehberg-Weber K5, Wernsdörfer C5; C.A.R.E. Study Group
Affiliations: 1 Department of Neurology, Evangelic Hospital Unna, Unna, Germany 2 Department of Neurology, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany 3 IMS HEALTH, Munich, Germany 4 Department of Neurology, Cologne City Hospitals, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany 5 Biogen GmbH, Ismaning, Germany
BMC Neurol. 2015 Sep 22;15(1):170.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Medication compliance, Neurological disorders 2015 German , Cost analysis, Observational study, Prospective study
A retrospective cohort study to investigate fatigue, psychological or cognitive impairment after TIA: protocol paper
Authors: Moran GM, Calvert M, Feltham MG, Ryan R & Marshall T
Affiliations: Primary Care Clinical Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham
BMJ Open2015;5:e008149 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-008149
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders, Vascular disease 2015 English , Retrospective database analysis
Incidence of stroke and seizure in Alzheimer's disease dementia
Authors: Cook M, Baker N, Lanes S, Bullock R, Wentworth C & Arrighi HM
Affiliations: Pfizer
Age Ageing. 2015 Jul;44(4):695-9. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afv061.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Miscellaneous, Neurological disorders 2015 English , Retrospective database analysis
Statin Therapy and Risk of Acute Memory Impairment
Authors: Strom BL, Schinnar R, Karlawish J, Hennessy S, Teal V & Bilker WB
Affiliations: Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, University of Pennsylvania
JAMA Intern Med. 2015 Aug;175(8):1399-405. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2015.2092
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders 2015 English , Retrospective database analysis
Italian psychiatrists' perception on cognitive symptoms in major depressive disorder.
Authors: Albert U1, Brugnoli R2, Caraci F3-4, Dell'Osso B5-6, Di Sciascio G7, Tortorella A8, Vampini C9, Cataldo N10, Pegoraro V10.
Affiliations: 1 Mood and Anxiety Disorders Unit, Rita Levi Montalcini Department of Neuroscience, University of Turin, Turin, Italy 2 Ne.S.M.O.S. Department, Sapienza University of Rome – Azienda Ospedaliera Sant’Andrea, Rome, Italy 3 Department of Drug Sciences (DSF), University of Catania, Catania, Italy 4 IRCCS Associazione Oasi Maria S.S., Institute for Research on Mental Retardation and Brain Aging, Troina, Italy 5 Department of Medical-Surgical Pathophysiology and Transplant, University of Milan – Ospedale Policlinico, Milan, Italy 6 Bipolar Disorders Clinic, Stanford Medical School, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA 7 Department of Psychiatry, Policlinico Hospital Bari, Bari, Italy 8 Department of Mental Health, University of Naples, SUN, Caserta, Italy 9 Department of Mental Health, Ospedale Civile Maggiore, Verona, Italy 10 IMS Health Information Solutions Medical Research srl, Milan, Italy
Int J Psychiatry Clin Pract. 2:1-8.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Italy
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders 2015 English , Survey research
Clinical and economic burden of breakthrough seizures.
Authors:  Divino V., Petrilla AA., Bollu V., Velez F., Ettinger A., Makin C.
Affiliations: Sunovion. IMS authors: Divino V
Epilepsy Behav
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2015 English , Retrospective database analysis
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Delayed-Release Dimethyl Fumarate for The Treatment of Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis In Spain.
Authors: Gasche D1, Restovic G1, Casado V2, Ramírez-Boix P3, Martínez Lopez J3
Affiliations: 1IMS Health, Barcelona, Spain; 2Mataro Hospital, Mataro, Barcelona, Spain; 3Biogen, Madrid, Spain
Value in Health. Volume 18, Issue 7, November 2015, Page A755
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , Spain
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Comparative Effectiveness & Health Technology Assessment, Health economics, Neurological disorders 2015 English , Clinical setting: hospital, Cost effectiveness, Literature Review
Entacapone and Prostate Cancer Risk in Patients With Parkinson's Disease
Authors: Korhonen P, Kuoppamäki M, Prami T, Hoti F, Christopher S, Ellmén J, Aho V, Vahteristo M, Pukkala E, Haukka J
Affiliations: EPID Research Ltd, Espoo, Finland
Movement disorders (2015);30(5):724-8.
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , Finland
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2015 English , Epidemiological study, Population Based Study, Retrospective database analysis
Persistence with fingolimod versus dimethyl fumarate in patients with multiple sclerosis: Retrospective analysis of US open-source pharmacy data
Authors: Bergvall N1, Lahoz R1, Nazareth T2, Korn JR3
Affiliations: Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland, 2Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, East Hanover, NJ, USA, 3IMS Health, Waltham, MA, USA
ISPOR 17th Annual European Congress, 8-12 November 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2014 English , Compliance
Persistence in open and closed data sources: A study of fingolimod versus interferons/glatiramer acetate in patients with multiple sclerosis
Authors: Lahoz R1, Bergvall N1, Nazareth T2, Korn JR3
Affiliations: Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland, 2Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, East Hanover, NJ, USA, 3IMS Health, Waltham, MA, USA
ISPOR 17th Annual European Congress, 8-12 November 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2014 English , Retrospective database analysis
Prescribing of antipsychotics in people with dementia in acute general hospitals in England: 2010–2012
Authors: Stephens P12, Chikh K1, Leufkens H2
Affiliations: 1 IMS Health, London, UK 2 WHO Collaborating Centre for Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmaceutical Policy Analysis, Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences (UIPS), Utrecht, The Netherlands
European Geriatric Medicine, 5: 394-398
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , England
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2014 English , Epidemiological study
Autoimmune thyroiditis as a risk factor for stroke: a historical cohort study
Authors: Karch A & Thomas SL
Affiliations: Department of Epidemiology (A.K.), Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig, Germany; Faculty of Epidemiology & Population Health (A.K., S.L.T.), London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK; and Department of Neurology (A.K.), University Medical Center Göttingen, Germany.
Neurology. 2014 May 6;82(18):1643-52.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Cardiovascular disease, Endocrinology, Immunology and Vaccination, Neurological disorders 2014 English , Retrospective database analysis
Does Environmental Radon Gas Influence the Incidence of Multiple Sclerosis? A Preliminary Retrospective Study in England and Wales.
Authors: Groves-Kirkby CJ, Denman AR, Campbell J, Rogers S, Phillips PS & Crockett RGM
Affiliations: IMS health
Fourth European IRPA Congress, Radiation Protection Culture - A global challenge JUNE 23-27, 2014 CICG / Centre International de Conférences, Geneva, Switzerland
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2014 English , Retrospective database analysis
Pharmacological treatments prescribed to people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in primary health care.
Authors: Murray ML, Hsia Y, Glaser K, Simonoff E, Murphy DG, Asherson PJ, Eklund H & Wong IC
Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2014 Mar;231(6):1011-21. doi: 10.1007/s00213-013-3140-7. Epub 2013 May 17
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders 2014 English
Discontinuation of antipsychotic medication in pregnancy: a cohort study.
Authors: Petersen I, McCrea RL, Osborn DJ, Evans S, Pinfold V, Cowen PJ, Gilbert R & Nazareth I
Affiliations: UCL Department of Primary Care and Population Health
Schizophr Res. 2014 Oct;159(1):218-25. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2014.07.034. Epub 2014 Aug 27
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders, Womens Health 2014 English , Retrospective database analysis
Herpes zoster as a risk factor for stroke and TIA: A retrospective cohort study in the UK.
Authors: Breuer J, Pacou M, Gauthier A & Brown MM
Affiliations: UCL From the Division of Infection and Immunity
Neurology. 2014 Jan 21; 82(3): 206–212. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000000038
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Cardiovascular disease, Infectious disease, Neurological disorders, Vascular disease 2014 English , Retrospective database analysis
Comparing The Influence Of Month Of Birth And Gender In Two Academic Years On Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Diagnoses (ADHD) Among Children In The Health Improvement Network (THIN) UK Data
Authors: O’Leary C, Bourke A & Ansell D
Affiliations: Cegedim
ISPOR 19th Annual International Meeting May 31- June 4, 2014 Palais des Congrès de Montréal Montreal, QC, Canada
Value in Health, Volume 17, Issue 3, Page A209
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders, Pediatrics 2014 English , Retrospective database analysis
The risk of metabolic disorders in patients treated with asenapine or olanzapine: a study conducted on real-world data in Italy and Spain.
Authors: Maina G, Ripellino C, Pegoraro V, Caresano C.
ISPOR Annual European Congress. 2014, Amsterdam
Value in health
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , Italy, Spain
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Drug safety, Neurological disorders 2014 English , Real World Data
Retrospective case review of missed opportunities for primary prevention of stroke and TIA in primary care: protocol paper.
Authors: Moran GM, Calvert M, Feltham MG & Marshall T
Affiliations: University of Birmingham Primary Care Clinical Sciences
BMJ Open2014;4:e006622 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-006622
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Cardiovascular disease, Neurological disorders 2014 English , Retrospective database analysis
Prevalence and incidence of epilepsy in Italy based on a nationwide database
Authors: Giussani G1, Cricelli C, Mazzoleni F, Cricelli I, Pasqua A, Pecchioli S, Lapi F, Beghi E.
Affiliations: IRCCS-Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, Milan, Italy.
Neuroepidemiology. 2014;43(3-4)
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , Italy
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders 2014 English , Retrospective database analysis
Patterns of systemic lupus erythematosus expression in Europe
Authors: Cervera R1, Doria A2, Amoura Z3, Khamashta M4, Schneider M5, Guillemin F6, Maurel F7, Garofano A7, Roset M8, Perna A9, Murray M10, Schmitt C11, Boucot I12
Affiliations: 1. Departmeent of Autoimmune Diseases, Hospital Clinic, Barcelona Spain, 2. Division of Rheumatology, University of Padova, Italy, 3. Internal medecine Department 2, la pitié Salpetrière Hospital, Paris France, 4. Lupus research Unit, The Rayne inistitue Lambeth Wing, St Thomas 'Hospital London, England, 5. Policlinic of Rheumatology, Heinrich-Heine University, Germany, 6. INSERM CIC-EC, CHU Nancy, France, 7. IMS HEOR, Paris La Défense France, 8. IMS HEOR, Barcelona Spain, 9. Immuno Inflammation & infectious diseases Global Franchise, GSK, UK, 10. Access to Medicine Centre of Excellence GSK, UK, 11. Global Health Outcomes GSK, UK, 12. Medical Dpt GSK, Marly-le-Roi France
Autoimmunity Reviews - Volume 13, Issue 6, June 2014, Pages 621-629
Document Types: , Article, Manuscript in preparation
Countries: , France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Clinical practice, Dermatology, Immunology and Vaccination, Musculoskeletal disease, Neurological disorders 2014 English , Epidemiological study, Observational study, Prospective study
Interventional differences among Huntington's disease patients by disease progression in commercial and medicaid
Authors: Anderson KE., Divino V., DeKoven M., Langbehn D., Warner JH., Giuliano J., Lee WC.
Affiliations: CHDI. IMS authors: Divino V, DeKoven M
J Huntingtons Dis.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2014 English , Burden of illness, Retrospective database analysis
Comparison of Health Care Resource Utilization and Costs in Treatment-Adherent Patients with Epilepsy with and without Breakthrough Seizures in A U.S. Managed Care Population
Authors: Charles Makin, Allison Petrilla, Victoria Divino, Vamsi Bollu, Fulton Velez, Shawn Hallinan and Alan Ettinger
Affiliations: Sunovion; IMS authors: Victoria Divino
American Academy of Neurology 66th Annual Meeting
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2014 English , Retrospective database analysis
Real-World Persistence and Treatment Failure Associated with First Line Use of Antiepileptic Drug Treatment in a Large U.S. Managed Care Population
Authors: Victoria Divino, Allison Petrilla, Shawn Hallinan, Vamsi Bollu, Fulton Velez, Alan Ettinger and Charles Makin
Affiliations: Sunovion; IMS authors: Victoria Divino
American Academy of Neurology 66th Annual Meeting
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2014 English , Retrospective database analysis
Entacapone does not increase prostate cancer risk of mortality in patients with Parkinson's disease
Authors: Korhonen P, Kuoppamäki M, Prami T, Hoti F, Christopher S, Ellmén J, Aho V, Vahteristo M, Pukkala E, Haukka J
Affiliations: EPID Research, Espoo, Finland
Value in Health November (2014);17(7):Page A393
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , Finland
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2014 English , Epidemiological study, Population Based Study, Retrospective cohort analysis
Entacapone did not Increase Prostate Cancer Risk or Mortality in Patients with Parkinson's Disease
Authors: Korhonen P, Kuoppamäki M, Prami T, Hoti F, Christopher S, Ellmén J, Aho V, Vahteristo M, Pukkala E, Haukka J
Affiliations: EPID Research Ltd, Espoo, Finland
Value in Health (2014);17(7):A393
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , Finland
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2014 English , Epidemiological study, Population Based Study, Retrospective database analysis
Prescribing of antipsychotics in people with dementia in acute general hospitals in England: 2010–2012
Authors: Stephens P, Chikh K, Leufkens H
Affiliations: IQVIA/WHO
Document Types: , Handbook
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2014 English , Retrospective database analysis
Relapse rates among patients with multiple sclerosis who switch from interferon therapy to fingolimod or glatiramer acetate: a retrospective US claims database analysis
Authors: Bergvall N1, Lahoz R1, Agashivala N2, Pradhan A2, Capkun-Niggli G1, Korn JR3, Petrilla AA3, Karkare SU3, Balderston McGuiness C3, Makin C3
Affiliations: 1Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, CH, 2Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, East Hanover, US, 3IMS Health,Plymouth Meeting, US
29th Congree of European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis. 18th Annual Conference of Rehabilitation in MS. 2-5th October 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2013 English , Retrospective database analysis
The risk of developing depression when suffering from neurological diseases.
Authors: Thielscher C12, Thielscher S3, Kostev K2
Affiliations: 1 FOM University of Applied Sciences, Essen, Germany 2 IMS Health, Frankfurt, Munich, Germany 3 Elisabeth Hospital, Gerolstein, Germany
GMS German Medical Science, 2013, 11
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders 2013 English , Survey research
A cost-effectiveness analysis of subcutaneous interferon beta-1a 44mcg 3-times a week vs no treatment for patients with clinically isolated syndrome in Sweden
Authors: Fredrikson S1, McLeod E2, Henry N2, Pitcher A2, Lowin J2, Cuche M3, Fajutrao L4, Perard R5, Bates D6, Chan A7
Affiliations: 1 Karolinska Institutet, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden 2 IMS Health, London, UK 3 Merck Serono S.A., Geneva, Switzerland 4 Merck AB, Solna, Sweden 5 Merck Serono Ltd, Middlesex, UK 6 Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK 7 Ruhr-University Bochum, St. Josef-Hospital, Bochum, Germany
J Med Econ. 2013;16(6):756-62.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Nordic, Sweden
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2013 English , Cost effectiveness
The efficacy and tolerability of perampanel and other recently approved/third generation anti-epileptic drugs for the treatment of refractory partial onset seizure: A systematic review and Bayesian network meta-analysis.
Authors: Khan N1, Shah D2, Tongbram V2, Verdian L3, Hawkins N2
Affiliations: 1 IMS Health, New York, USA 2 Oxford Outcomes, Morristown, USA 3 Eisai Inc., Hatfield, UK
Curr Med Res Opin. 2013 May 9
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2013 English , Meta analysis
Use of real-world data to assess outcomes in patients with multiple sclerosis in a real-life clinical setting
Authors: Milnes F1, Bergvall N1, Olson M1, Capkun-Niggli G1, Bonzani I2, Makin C3
Affiliations: 1Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland; 2IMS Health, London, UK; 3IMS Health, Plymouth Meeting, PA, USA
10th Annual Meeting of Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi), 17–19 June 2013, Seoul, Korea
Document Types: , Poster
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2013 English , Epidemiological study, Observational study
Use of the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) to Assess ‘Real-World’ Management of Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) in the UK
Authors: Demuth D1, Nasuti P1, Richards C1, Gray E2, Price L2, Magestro M3
Affiliations: 1IMS Health, London, UK, 2Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Ltd, Frimley, UK, 3Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, East Hanover NJ, USA
ISPOR 16th Annual European Congress, 2013
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2013 English , Burden of illness, Real World Data, Survey research
Persistence and adherence of fingolimod compared with other disease modifying therapies for the treatment of multiple sclerosis: a retrospective US claims database analysis.
Authors: Bergvall N1, Lahoz R1, Agashivala N2, Pradhan A2, Capkun-Niggli G1, Korn JR3, Petrilla AA3, Karkare SU3, Balderston McGuiness C3, Makin C3
Affiliations: 1Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, CH, 2Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, East Hanover, US, 3IMS Health,Plymouth Meeting, US
29th Congree of European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis. 18th Annual Conference of Rehabilitation in MS. 2-5th October 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2013 English , Retrospective database analysis
• Relapse rates among patients with a history of relapses treated with fingolimod compared with interferons or glatiramer acetate for the treatment of multiple sclerosis: a retrospective US claims database analysis
Authors: Bergvall N1, Lahoz R1, Agashivala N2, Pradhan A2, Capkun-Niggli G1, Korn JR3, Petrilla AA3, Karkare SU3, Balderston McGuiness C3, Makin C3
Affiliations: 1Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, CH, 2Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, East Hanover, US, 3IMS Health,Plymouth Meeting, US
29th Congree of European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis. 18th Annual Conference of Rehabilitation in MS. 2-5th October 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2013 English , Retrospective database analysis
Comparative effectiveness of fingolimod versus interferons or glatiramer acetate for relapse rates in multiple sclerosis: a retrospective US claims database analysis
Authors: Bergvall N1, Lahoz R1, Agashivala N2, Pradhan A2, Capkun-Niggli G1, Korn JR3, Petrilla AA3, Karkare SU3, Balderston McGuiness C3, Makin C3
Affiliations: 1Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland, 2Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, East Hanover, NJ, USA, 3IMS Health, Plymouth Meeting, USA
Current Medical Research and Opinion, December 2013, Vol. 29, No. 12 : Pages 1647-1656
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2013 English , Retrospective database analysis
Cost-effectiveness evaluation of escitalopram in major depressive disorder in Italy.
Authors: Mencacci C1, Di Sciascio G2, Katz P3, Ripellino C3
Affiliations: 1 Ospedale Fatebenefratelli, Milan, Italy, 2 Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Consorziale Policlinico di Bari, Bari, Italy, 3 CSD Medical Research Srl, Milan, Italy.
Clinicoecon Outcomes Res. 2013;5:87-99. doi: 10.2147/CEOR.S39492. Epub 2013 Feb 7
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Italy
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders 2013 English , Cost effectiveness
A nationwide prospective study on prescribing pattern of antidepressant drugs in Italian primary care.
Authors: Trifirò Gianluca (1) ; Tillati Silvia (2) ; Spina Edoardo (1) ; Ferrajolo Carmen (3) ; Alacqua Marianna (1) ; Aguglia Eugenio (4) ; Rizzi Laura (2) ; Caputi Achille P. (1) ; Cricelli Claudio (5) ; Samani Fabio (6) ;
Affiliations: (1) Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine and Pharmacology, University of Messina, 98125, Messina, Italy (2) Department of Economic and Statistical Sciences, University of Udine, Udine, Italy (3) Pharmacovigilance and Pharmacoepidemiology Regional Center, Department of Experimental Medicine, Pharmacology Section, Second University of Naples, Naples, Italy (4) Department of Clinical and Molecular Biomedicine, University of Catania, Catania, Italy (5) Italian College of General Practitioners, Florence, Italy (6) Local Health Unit of Trieste, Trieste, Italy
Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2013 Feb;69(2):227-36
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Italy
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders 2013 English , Retrospective database analysis
First Diagnosis and Management of Incontinence in Older People with and without Dementia in Primary Care: A Cohort Study Using The Health Improvement Network Primary Care Database.
Authors: Grant RL1, Drennan VM1, Rait G2, Petersen I2 & Iliffe S2
Affiliations: Kingston University and St. George's University of London
PLoS Med. 10(8):e1001505 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001505
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders, Urology 2013 English , Retrospective database analysis
Severe neuropsychiatric outcomes following discontinuation of long-term glucocorticoid therapy: a cohort study.
Authors: Fardet L, Nazareth I, Whitaker HJ & Petersen I.
Affiliations: UCL Research Department of Primary Care and Population Health
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders 2013 English , Retrospective database analysis
Suicide-related events in young people following prescription of SSRIs and other antidepressants: a self-controlled case series analysis.
Authors: Wijlaars LP, Nazareth I, Whitaker HJ, Evans SJ & Petersen I
Affiliations: UCL Department of Primary Care and Population Health
BMJ Open2013;3:e003247 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003247
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders 2013 English , Retrospective database analysis
Childhood epilepsy recorded in primary care in the UK
Authors: Meeraus WH, Petersen I, Chin RF, Knott F, Gilbert R
Affiliations: UCL Research Department of Primary Care and Population Health
Arch Dis Child. 2013 Mar;98(3):195-202. doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2012-302237. Epub 2013 Jan 23.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders, Pediatrics 2013 English , Retrospective database analysis
Analisi farmaco-economica sui costi e la qualità di vita dei pazienti affetti da Disturbo Depressivo Maggiore (DDM) trattati con cura antidepressiva in Italia_ Pharmaco-economic analysis on the costs and quality of life of patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) receiving antidepressant treatment in Italy.
Authors: Pegoraro V, Guasconi A, Mencacci C, Aguglia E, Biggio G, Cappellari L, Di Sciascio G, Fagiolini A, Maina G, Tortorella A, Ripellino C.
Affiliations: Center of Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Università degli Studi di Milano and IRCCS Fondazione Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milan, Italy
Congresso Nazionale SIHTA 2013, Bari
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , Italy
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Health economics, Mental health, Neurological disorders 2013 Italian , Cost analysis, Economic evaluation, Quality of life, Retrospective database analysis
The direct medical costs of Huntington's disease by stage. A retrospective commercial and Medicaid claims data analysis.
Authors: Divino V., Dekoven M., Warner JH., Giuliano J., Anderson KE., Langbehn D., Lee WC.
Affiliations: CHDI. IMS authors: Divino V, DeKoven M
J Med Econ
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2013 English , Burden of illness, Retrospective database analysis
Long-term disease history, clinical symptoms, health status, and healthcare utilization in patients suffering from Lambert Eaton myasthenic syndrome: Results of a patient interview survey in Germany.
Authors: Harms L1, Sieb JP2, Williams AE3, Graham R3, Shlaen R4, Claus V4, Pfiffner C4
Affiliations: 1 Charité-Universitätsmedizin, Clinic for Neurology, Berlin, Germany, 2 Clinic for Neurology, Geriatric and Palliative Care, Stralsund, Germany, 3 BioMarin Europe Limited, London, UK, 4 IMS Health GmbH & Co, Munich, Germany
Journal of Medical Economics, 2012, 15(3): 521-530
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2012 English , Survey research
Fatigue and quality-of-life in Multiple Sclerosis patients with spasticity in Germany - Results of the MOVE 1 study.
Authors: Pfiffner C1, Henze T2, Zettl U3, Essner U4, Flachenecker P5
Affiliations: 1 IMS Health, Munich, Germany 2 Rehabilitation Center Nittenau, Nittenau, Germany 3 University of Rostock, Center of Neurology, Rostock, Germany 4 Almirall Heral, Reinbek, Germany 5 Neurological Rehabilitation Center Quellenhof, Bad Wildbad, Germany
ISPOR 15th Annual European Congress
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2012 English , Burden of illness, Quality of life
Treatment patterns and resource consumption in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS)-related spasticity in Germany - Results of MOVE 1 study.
Authors: Ehlken B1, Flachenecker P2, Zettl U3, Essner U4, Henze T5
Affiliations: 1 IMS Health, Munich, Germany 2 Neurological Rehabilitation Center Quellenhof, Bad Wildbad, Germany 3 University of Rostock, Center of Neurology, Rostock, Germany 4 Almirall Hermal, Reinbek, Germany 5 Rehabilitation Center Nittenau, Nittenau, Germany
ISPOR 15th Annual European Congress
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2012 English , Burden of illness
Real World add-on and switch patterns for different formulation of Methylphenidate
Authors: HÃ¥kan-Mose J, Löfroth E, Huetson P
Affiliations: IMS Health, Stockholm, Sweden
ISPOR 15th Annual European Congress, 3-7 November 2012, Berlin, Germany
Document Types: , Poster
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2012 English , Retrospective database analysis
Effectiveness of Sativex® in multiple sclerosis spasticity. First data from a large observational study in Germany.
Authors: Zettl U1, Henze T2, Pfiffner C3, Vila Silvan C4, Flachenecker P5
Affiliations: 1 University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany 2 Rehabilitation Center Nittenau, Nittenau, Germany 3 IMS Health, Munich, Germany 4 Almirall, Global Medical Affairs, Barcelona, Spain 5 Neurological Rehabilitation Center Quellenhof, Bad Wildbad, Germany
ECTRIMS 2012, 2012, October 10-13, Lyon, France
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2012 English , Observational study
Results of a 2-year retrospective cohort study of newly prescribed triptan users in European nationwide practice databases.
Authors: S Ng-Mak D, Ya-Ting C, Who T, Standford B, Roset M.
Affiliations: Global Health Outcomes, Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., West Point, PA, USA, IMS Health, Barcelona.
Cephalalgia. 2012 Sep;32(12):875-87.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , France, Germany, UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2012 English , Retrospective cohort analysis
Authors: Katz P1, Mencacci C, Di Sciascio G, Ripellino C, Heiman F
Affiliations: 1CSD Medical Research Milan
15th Annual European Congress of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR), Berlin, Germany
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , Italy
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Health economics, Mental health, Neurological disorders 2012 English , Cost effectiveness
Discontinuation of antiepileptic drugs in pregnancy; a study in The Health Improvement Network (THIN) primary care database.
Authors: Man S, Petersen I , Thompson M & Nazareth I
Affiliations: Cegedim
"Infectious Disease Research Network, 22nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID)"
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders, Womens Health 2012 English , Retrospective database analysis
Pain-related pharmacotherapy, healthcare resource use and costs in spinal cord injury patients prescribed pregabalin.
Authors: Gore M, Brix F N, Sadosky A, Tai KS, Cappelleri JC, Mardekian J, George R C & Nieshoff E
Affiliations: Avalon Health Solutions
Spinal Cord. 2013 Feb;51(2):126-33. doi: 10.1038/sc.2012.97. Epub 2012 Sep 4.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Health policy, Neurological disorders 2012 English , Retrospective database analysis
Persistence of pharmacological treatment into adulthood, in UK primary care, for ADHD patients who started treatment in childhood or adolescence.
Authors: McCarthy S, Wilton L, Murray ML, Hodgkins P, Asherson P & Wong IC
Affiliations: University College Cork School of Pharmacy
BMC Psychiatry 2012, 12:219 doi:10.1186/1471-244X-12-219
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders 2012 English , Retrospective database analysis
Risk of cardiac valve regurgitation with dopamine agonist use in Parkinson's disease and hyperprolactinaemia: a multi-country, nested case-control study.
Authors: Trifirò G1, Mokhles MM, Dieleman JP, van Soest EM, Verhamme K, Mazzaglia G, Herings R, de Luise C, Ross D, Brusselle G, Colao A, Haverkamp W, Schade R, van Camp G, Zanettini R & Sturkenboom MC.
Affiliations: 1Department of Medical Informatics, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Drug Saf. 2012 Feb 1;35(2):159-71. doi: 10.2165/11594940-000000000-00000.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Europe, UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Cardiovascular disease, Drug safety, Neurological disorders 2012 English , Retrospective database analysis
The epidemiology of pharmacologically treated attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children, adolescents and adults in UK primary care.
Authors: McCarthy S, Wilton L, Murray ML, Hodgkins P, Asherson P & Wong IC
Affiliations: University College Cork School of Pharmacy
McCarthy S, Wilton L, Murray ML, Hodgkins P, Asherson P & Wong IC
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders 2012 English , Epidemiological study, Retrospective database analysis
The risk of new onset heart failure associated with dopamine agonist use in Parkinson's disease.
Authors: Mokhles MM1, Trifirò G, Dieleman JP, Haag MD, van Soest EM, Verhamme KM, Mazzaglia G, Herings R, Luise Cd, Ross D, Brusselle G, Colao A, Haverkamp W, Schade R, Camp Gv, Zanettini R, Sturkenboom MC
Affiliations: 1Department of Medical Informatics, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Pharmacol Res. 2012 Mar;65(3):358-64. doi: 10.1016/j.phrs.2011.11.009. Epub 2011 Nov 23.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Italy, Netherlands, UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Cardiovascular disease, Drug safety, Neurological disorders 2012 English , Retrospective database analysis
Use of antidepressant serotoninergic medications and cardiac valvulopathy: a nested case-control study in the health improvement network (THIN) database.
Authors: Lapi F, Nicotra F, Scotti L, Vannacci A, Thompson M, Pieri F, Mugelli N, Zambon A, Corrao G, Mugelli A & Rubino A
Affiliations: Cegedim
Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2012 Sep;74(3):536-44. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2125.2012.04224.x.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Cardiovascular disease, Neurological disorders 2012 English , Retrospective database analysis
Explorative analysis about the appropriateness of a GPs Longitudinal Database on evaluating atypical antipsychotic in terms of drugs adverse events.
Authors: Heiman F, Pegoraro V, Katz P, Didoni G, Calandriello M.
Affiliations: CSD Medical Research S.r.l., Milan, Italy 1, HE OR Unit - Bristol-Myers Squibb S.r.l., Rome, Italy 2
ISPOR Annual European Congress, Madrid. 2011.
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , Italy
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2012 English , Retrospective database analysis
Antiepileptic Drugs during Pregnancy in Primary Care: A UK Population Based Study.
Authors: Man SL, Petersen I, Thompson M & Nazareth I
Affiliations: UCL Research Department of Primary Care and Population Health
PLoS One. 2012;7(12):e52339. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0052339. Epub 2012 Dec 18.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders, Womens Health 2012 English , Retrospective database analysis
Risk of cardiac valve regurgitation with dopamine agonist use in Parkinson's disease and hyperprolactinaemia: a multi-country, nested case-control study
Authors: Trifirò G1, Mokhles MM, Dieleman JP, van Soest EM, Verhamme K, Mazzaglia G, Herings R, de Luise C, Ross D, Brusselle G, Colao A, Haverkamp W, Schade R, van Camp G, Zanettini R, Sturkenboom MC.
Affiliations: 1Department of Medical Informatics, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Drug Saf. 2012 Feb 1;35(2):159-71. doi: 10.2165/11594940-000000000-00000.
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Cardiovascular disease, Neurological disorders 2012 English , Retrospective database analysis
Evaluation of the GETQUIT clinics for smoking cessation.
Authors: Pokras SM, Ferrufino CP, Galaznik A, Zou K, Chapman RH.
Affiliations: HEOR IMS Consulting Group, USA; Pfizer Global Pharmaceuticals, USA.
International Society for Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research (ISPOR) 14th Annual European Congress, Madrid, Spain. November 8, 2011.
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Miscellaneous, Neurological disorders, Respiratory disease 2011 English , Observational study, Prospective study, Survey research
The economic burden of advanced Parkinson's disease: an analysis of a UK patient dataset.
Authors: Findley L1, Wood E2, Lowin J2, Roeder C2, Bergmann A3, Schifflers M4
Affiliations: 1 The Essex Neurosciences Unit, Queen's Hospital, Romford, UK 2 IMS Health, London, UK 3 Abbott Products Operations AG, Allschwill, Switzerland 4 Abbott Healthcare Products Ltd., Southampton, UK
2nd World Parkinson Congress, Glasgow, UK, September 28 - October 1 2010
J Med Econ 2011;14:130-39
Document Types: , Article, Poster
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2011 English , Burden of illness
Disease History and Burden of Disease for LEMS Patients in Germany
Authors: Sieb J P1, Harms L2, Williams A E3, GrahamR 3, Shlaen R4, Claus V4, Pfiffner C4
Affiliations: 1HANSE-Klinikum Stralsund GmbH, Stralsund, Germany 2Klinik f. Neurologie, Charité -Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany, 3BioMarin Europe Ltd., London, UK, 4Health Economicsand Outcomes Research, IMS Health GmbH & Co, Munich, Germany
Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie (DGN) 2011
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2011 English , Retrospective cohort analysis
Disease History and Burden of Disease for LEMS Patients in Germany
Authors: Sieb J P1, Harms L2, Williams A E3, Graham R3, Shlaen R4, Claus V4, Pfiffner C4
Affiliations: 1HANSE-Klinikum Stralsund GmbH, Stralsund, Germany 2Klinik f. Neurologie, Charité -Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany, 3BioMarin Europe Ltd., London, UK, 4Health Economicsand Outcomes Research, IMS Health GmbH & Co, Munich, Germany
15th EFNS (European Federation of Neurological Societies) Congress, Budapest, 11 September 2011
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2011 English , Retrospective cohort analysis
Patient-reported clinical symptoms and health status of LEMS Patients in Germany
Authors: Harms L1, Sieb J P2, Williams A E3, Graham R3, Shlaen R4, Claus V4
Affiliations: 1Klinik f. Neurologie, Charité - Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, 2HANSE-Klinikum Stralsund GmbH, Stralsund, Germany, 3BioMarin Europe Ltd., London, UK, 4Health Economics and Outcomes Research, IMS Health GmbH & Co. OHG, Munich, Germany
15th EFNS (European Federation of Neurological Societies) Congress, Budapest, 11 September 2011
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2011 English , Retrospective cohort analysis
A cost-effectiveness analysis of levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel compared to standard care in late stage Parkinson’s disease in the UK
Authors: Lowin J1, Bergman A2, Ray Chaudhuri K3, Findley LJ4, Roeder C1, Schifflers M5, Wood E1, Morris S6.
Affiliations: 1 IMS Health, London, UK 2 Abbott Products Operations AG, Allschwill, Switzerland 3 National Parkinson Foundation Centre of Excellence, London, UK 4 The Essex Neurosciences Unit, Queen’s Hospital, UK 5 Abbott Healthcare Products Ltd, Southampton, UK 6 University College London, UK
J Med Econ. 2011 Jul 6. [Epub ahead of print]
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2011 English , Cost effectiveness
Modeling cost-effectiveness of drug treatments for severe chronic non-cancer pain in Portugal
Authors: Obradovic M1, Hertel N2, Ikenberg R3, Gouveia M4, Liedgens H1
Affiliations: 1Grünenthal GmbH, Aachen, Germany, 2IMS Health, London, UK, 3IMS Health GmbH Und Co. Ohg, Nürnberg, Germany, 4Catholic University of Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal
ISPOR 14th Annual European Congress, 5th - 8th November, Madrid, Spain
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , Portugal
Abstract: PSY32
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2011 English , Cost effectiveness
Belgian cost-utility analysis of Gilenya® (Fingolimod) in the management of adults with active relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis.
Authors: Drieskens S1, Moeremans K2
Affiliations: 1 Panacea, Brussels, Belgium 2 IMS Health Consulting, Vilvoorde, Belgium
14th ISPOR Annual European Congress, 2011, November 5-8, Madrid, Spain
Document Types: , Abstract, Poster
Countries: , Belgium
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2011 English
The long term disease history of LEMS patients and current treatment patterns: Results of a patient interview survey in Germany.
Authors: Sieb JP1, Harms L2, Williams AE3, Graham R3, Shlaen R4, Pfiffner C4
Affiliations: 1 HANSE-Klinikum Stralsund GmbH, Clinic for Neurology, Geriatric and Palliative Care, Stralsund, Germany, 2 Charité-Universitätsmedizin, Clinic for Neurology, Berlin, Germany, 3 BioMarin Europe Ltd., London, UK, 4 IMS Health GmbH & Co, Munich, Germany
15th EFNS Congress, 2011, September 10-13, Budapest, Hungary
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2011 English , Survey research
Patient-reported clinical symptoms and health status of LEMS Patients in Germany.
Authors: Harms L1, Sieb JP2, Williams AE3, Graham R3, Shlaen R4, Claus V4
Affiliations: 1 Charité-Universitätsmedizin, Clinic for Neurology, Berlin, Germany, 2 Clinic for Neurology, Geriatric and Palliative Care, Stralsund, Germany, 3 BioMarin Europe Limited, London, UK, 4 IMS Health GmbH & Co, Munich, Germany
15th EFNS Congress, 2011, September 10-13, Budapest, Hungary
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2011 English , Survey research
Disease History and Burden of Disease for LEMS Patients in Germany.
Authors: Sieb JP1, Harms L2, Williams AE3, Graham R3, Shlaen R4, Claus V4, Pfiffner C4
Affiliations: 1 HANSE-Klinikum Stralsund GmbH, Clinic for Neurology, Geriatric and Palliative Care, Stralsund, Germany, 2 Charité-Universitätsmedizin, Clinic for Neurology, Berlin, Germany, 3 BioMarin Europe Ltd., London, UK, 4 IMS Health GmbH & Co, Munich, Germany
84th DGN Congress, 2011, September-October 28-1, Wiesbaden, Germany
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2011 English , Survey research
Country differences in patient characteristics and treatment in schizophrenia: data from a physician-based survey in Europe.
Authors: Papageorgiou G1, Cañas F, Zink M, Rossi A.
Affiliations: 1Department of Psychiatry, Evangelismos General Hospital
Eur Psychiatry. 2011 Mar;26(1 Suppl 1):17-28. doi: 10.1016/S0924-9338(11)71710-2.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2011 English , Survey research
Epidemiologic Evaluation of Cardiovascular Risk in Patients Receiving Milnacipran, Venlafaxine, or Amitriptyline: Evidence from French Health Data (February).
Authors: Mease PJ, Zimetbaum PJ, Duh MS, Vekeman F, Guerin A, Boerstoel-Streefland M, Jiang W, Lefebvre P.
Ann Pharmacother. 2011 Feb 8.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , France
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2011 English
Factors associated with hospitalisation of patients with schizophrenia in four European countries.
Authors: Gorwood P1.
Affiliations: 1CMME, Sainte-Anne Hospital, University Paris Descartes
Eur Psychiatry. 2011 May;26(4):224-30. doi: 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2011.02.012. Epub 2011 Mar 23.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2011 English , Survey research
Individualizing antipsychotic treatment selection in schizophrenia: characteristics of empirically derived patient subgroups.
Authors: Correll CU, Cañas F, Larmo I, Levy P, Montes JM, Fagiolini A, Papageorgiou G, Rossi A, Sturlason R, Zink M.
Eur Psychiatry. 2011 Mar;26(1 Suppl 1):3-16. doi: 10.1016/S0924-9338(11)71709-6.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Europe
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2011 English
National changes in oral antipsychotic treatment for people with schizophrenia in primary care between 1998 and 2007 in the United Kingdom.
Authors: Prah P, Petersen I, Nazareth I, Walters K & Osborn D
Affiliations: MRC General Practice Research Framework
Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2012 Feb;21(2):161-9. doi: 10.1002/pds.2213. Epub 2011 Aug 19.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders 2011 English , Retrospective database analysis
Patients with schizophrenia : results of a physician-based survey conducted in four European countries (Germany, Greece, Italy and Spain).
Authors: Gorwood P1.
Affiliations: 1CMME, Sainte-Anne Hospital, University Paris Descartes
Eur Psychiatry. 2011 Mar;26(1 Suppl 1):1.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2011 English , Survey research
Prescribing patterns of antiepileptic drugs in pregnancy: a study in The Health Improvement Network (THIN)
Authors: Man S1, Nazareth I1, Thompson M2, Petersen I1
Affiliations: 1 UCL Department Primary Care & Population Health 2 Cegedim Strategic Data Medical Research UK
SAPC Annual Scientific Meeting,Bristol. 2011.
Document Types: , Conference, Poster
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders, Womens Health 2011 English
Pregnancy as a major determinant for discontinuation of antidepressants: an analysis of data from The Health Improvement Network.
Authors: Petersen I, Gilbert RE, Evans SJW, Man S-L, Nazareth I.
Affiliations: UCL Department of Primary Care & Population Health
J Clin Psychiatry. 2011 Jul;72(7):979-85. doi: 10.4088/JCP.10m06090blu. Epub 2011 Mar 8.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders, Womens Health 2011 English , Retrospective database analysis
Prescribing trends in bipolar disorder: cohort study in the United Kingdom THIN primary care database 1995-2009.
Authors: Hayes J, Prah P, Nazareth I, King M, Walters K, Petersen I & Osborn D
Affiliations: UCL Mental Health Sciences Unit
PLoS One. 2011;6(12):e28725. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0028725. Epub 2011 Dec 7.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders 2011 English , Retrospective database analysis
Primary -care databases: An alternative to disease registers for population-based research into cerebral palsy in the UK
Authors: Meeraus W, Petersen I & Gilbert R
Affiliations: UCL
Society for Academic Primary Care (SAPC), SAPC Bristol 6-8 July 2011
Document Types: , Abstract, Conference
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2011 English , Retrospective database analysis
Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor antidepressants and the risk of falls in older people: case-control and case-series analysis of a large UK primary care database.
Authors: Gribbin J, Hubbard R, Gladman J, Smith C & Lewis S
Affiliations: University of Nottingham Division of Epidemiology and Public Health
Drugs Aging. 2011 Nov 1;28(11):895-902. doi: 10.2165/11592860-000000000-00000.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders 2011 English , Retrospective database analysis
Trends in the incidence of childhood depression in the UK.
Authors: Blak BT, Lee L , Dungarwalla M
Society for Academic Primary Care (SAPC), SAPC Bristol 6-8 July 2011
Document Types: , Conference
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2011 English
Use of antimigraine treatments by general practitioners.
Authors: Ducros A1, Romatet S, Saint Marc T, Allaf B
Affiliations: 1Emergency Headache Centre, Head and Neck Clinic, Hôpital Lariboisière
Headache. 2011 Jul-Aug;51(7):1122-31. doi: 10.1111/j.1526-4610.2011.01939.x. Epub 2011 Jun 15.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , France
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2011 English , Survey research
Use of ziprasidone in patients with schizophrenia in four European countries.
Authors: Montes JM1.
Affiliations: 1Hospital del Sureste, Arganda del Rey, Spain
Eur Psychiatry. 2011 Mar;26(1 Suppl 1):29-37. doi: 10.1016/S0924-9338(11)71711-4.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2011 English , Survey research
Pregnancy and prescribed psychotropic medicine
Authors: Petersen I, Gilbert R, Evans S & Nazareth I
Affiliations: UCL
Society for Academic Primary Care (SAPC), SAPC Bristol 6-8 July 2011
Document Types: , Abstract, Conference, Poster
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders, Womens Health 2011 English , Retrospective database analysis
Therapie der Alzheimerdemenz - Rückschritt ins letzte Jahrhundert? [Treatment of the Alzheimer's Disease – A step backwards to the last century?]
Authors: Riepe M1, Pirk O2
Affiliations: 1 Psychiatry, University of Ulm, Germany 2 IMS Health GmbH & Co., Nuremberg, Germany
Gesundheitsökonomie und Qualitätsmanagement, 15: pp. 7-10
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2010 German ,
Atomoxetine's effect on societal costs in Sweden
Authors: Myrén KJ, Thernlund G, Nylén A, Schacht A, Svanborg P
Affiliations: IMS Health Sweden AB.
J Atten Disord. 2010 May;13(6):618-28. Epub 2009 Apr 13
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Nordic, Sweden
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2010 English , Burden of illness
Prescribing pattern of antipsychotic drugs in the Italian general population 2000-2005: a focus on elderly with dementia.
Authors: Trifiro G, Sini G, Sturkenboom MC, Vanacore N, Mazzaglia G, Caputi AP, Cricelli C, Brignoli O, Aguglia E, Biggio G, Samani F.
Int Clin Psychopharmacol. 2010 Jan;25(1):22-8. doi: 10.1097/YIC.0b013e3283334f08.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Italy
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2010 English
Survival of people with clinical diagnosis of dementia in primary care: cohort study.
Authors: Rait G, Walters K, Bottomley C, Petersen I, Iliffe S, Nazareth I.
Affiliations: Medical Research Council General Practice Research Framework, London
BMJ. 2010 Aug 5;341:c3584. doi: 10.1136/bmj.c3584.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2010 English , Retrospective database analysis
The relationship between neurological disease and bullous pemphigoid: a population-based case-control study.
Authors: Langan SM, Groves RW & West J
Affiliations: Department of Immunodermatology, St John's Institute of Dermatology, King's College
J Invest Dermatol. 2011 Mar;131(3):631-6. doi: 10.1038/jid.2010.357. Epub 2010 Nov 18.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2010 English , Retrospective database analysis
Suicide-Related Events in Patients Treated with Antiepileptic Drugs
Authors: Arana A, Wentworth CE, Ayuso-Mateos JL & Arellano FM
Affiliations: Risk MR Pharmacovigilance Services, Zaragoza, Spain
The New England Journal of Medicine 363: 542-551
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2010 English , Retrospective database analysis
Prevalence of major comorbidities in subjects with COPD and incidence of myocardial infarction and stroke: a comprehensive analysis using data from primary care
Authors: Feary J R, Rodrigues L, Smith C J, Hubbard R B & Gibson J E
Affiliations: Division of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Nottingham
Thorax. 2010 Nov;65(11):956-62. doi: 10.1136/thx.2009.128082. Epub 2010 Sep 25.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders, Respiratory disease 2010 English , Retrospective database analysis
Validation of ischemic cerebrovascular diagnoses in the health improvement network (THIN).
Authors: Ruigómez A, Martín-Merino E, Rodríguez LA.
Affiliations: Centro Español de Investigación Farmacoepidemiológica (CEIFE), Madrid, Spain
Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2010 Jun;19(6):579-85. doi: 10.1002/pds.1919.
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders, Vascular disease 2010 English , Retrospective database analysis
Stimulant Prescription and Risk of Injury among Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the United Kingdom (UK): Preliminary Results
Authors: Raman S, Marshall S & Sturmer T
Affiliations: University North California
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety (19): S1-S347
Document Types: , Abstract
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2010 English , Retrospective database analysis
Stimulant Prescription and Risk of Injury among Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the United Kingdom (UK): Preliminary Results
Authors: Raman S, Marshall S & Sturmer T
Affiliations: University North California
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety (19): S1-S347
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2010 English , Retrospective database analysis
Risk of Cardiac Valve Regurgitation with Dopamine Agonist Use in Parkinson’s Disease and Hyperprolactinemia
Authors: Trifiro’ G, Mokhles M, Dieleman J, Soest E , Mazzaglia G, Herings R, Luise C, Ross D, Brusselle G, Colao A, Haverkamp W, Schade R, Camp G, Zanettini R & Sturkenboom M
Affiliations: Department of Medical Informatics, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety (19): S1-S347
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2010 English , Retrospective database analysis
Risk of heart failure with dopamine agonist use in Parkinson's disease
Authors: Trifiro G, Mokhles M, Dieleman J, Soest E, Mazzaglia G, Herings R, Luise C, Ross D, Brusselle G, Colao A, Haverkamp W, Schade R, Camp G, Zanettini R & Sturkenboom M
Affiliations: UNIME
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety (19): S1-S347
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2010 English , Retrospective database analysis
Impact of a prior authorization for pregabalin on health plan drug expenditures
Authors: Bazalo G, Weiss RC, Joshi AV
Affiliations: 1Managed Solutions, LLC, Conifer, CO, USA.
Am J Manag Care. 2010 May;16(5 Suppl):S154-9.
Document Types: , Abstract
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2010 English , Public Health
Drug therapies for Parkinson’s disease: A database analysis of patient compliance and persistence
Authors: Tarrants ML, Denarié MF, Castelli-Haley J, Millard J, Zhang D
Affiliations: 1Health Economics and Outcomes Research, Teva Neuroscience, Inc., Kansas City, Missouri 64131, USA
The American Journal of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy 2010;8(4):374-383.
Document Types: , Article
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2010 English , Compliance
Economic burden of transformed migraine: results from the American Migraine Prevalence and Prevention study.
Authors: Munakata J1, Hazard E, Serrano D2, Klingman D1, Rupnow MFT3, Tierce J1, Reed M2, Lipton RB4
Affiliations: 1 IMS Health, Inc., Falls Church, VA, USA 2 Vedanta Research, Chapel Hill, NC, USA 3 Ethicon, Inc., Somerville, NJ, USA 4 Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA
Headache, 2009, 49(4): 498-508
Document Types: , Article
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2009 English , Prospective study
The burden of migraine in the United States: current and emerging perspectives on disease management and economic analysis
Authors: Hazard E1, Munakata J2, Bigal ME, Rupnow MFT, Lipton RB
Affiliations: 1IMS Health, Falls Church, VA, USA, 2IMS Health, San Francisco,CA USA
Value in Health 2009;12(1):55-64; (epub 2008 Jul 30).
Document Types: , Manuscript in preparation
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2009 English , Burden of illness, Cost analysis
Verteporfin in neovascular AMD: real life confirms clinical trials results
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , France
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2009 English , Observational study
Clinical and economic characteristics of patients with painful neuropathic disorders in Germany.
Authors: Berger A, Toelle T, Sadosky A, Dukes E, Edelsberg J, Oster G
Pain Pract., 2009, 9(1): 8-17
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2009 English , Retrospective database analysis
Relation of headache frequency to resource utilization, work productivity, and total costs: results from the American Migraine Prevalence and Prevention (AMPP) Study
Authors: Munakata J1, Serrano D, Klingman D, Hazard E, Rupnow MFT, Tierce J, Reed M, Stewart WF, Lipton RB
ISPOR 14th Annual International Meeting, 2009, May 16-20, Orlando, FL
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2009 English , Cost analysis
IV immunoglobulin is associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimer disease and related disorders.
Authors: Fillit H1,2 , Hess G3, 4, Hill J3, Bonnet P5, Toso C6
Affiliations: 1Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation, New York, 2Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, USA, 3IMS Health (Former SDI Health), Plymouth Meeting, PA, USA, 4Leonard Davis Institute, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 5Baxter Bioscience, Westlake Village, CA, 6Toso Clinical Communications, Philadelphia, PA.
Neurology. 2009 Jul 21;73(3):180-5
Document Types: , Article
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2009 English , Retrospective cohort analysis, Retrospective database analysis
Cost of Managing Neuropathic Pain with Pregabalin and Gabapentin: A UK Study
Authors: D Irwin, P Mernagh, S Thom pson, P Anderson & W Sawyer
Affiliations: University North California
RCGP Annual National Primary Care Conference Glasgow, Scotland 2009
Document Types: , Abstract, Poster
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2009 English , Retrospective database analysis
Sociodemographic variations in the contribution of secondary drug prevention to stroke survival at middle and older ages: cohort study
Authors: Raine R, Wong W, Ambler G, Hardoon S, Petersen I, Morris R, Bartley M & Blane D
Affiliations: Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London
BMJ 2009;338:b1279
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Miscellaneous, Neurological disorders 2009 English , Retrospective database analysis
Comparison of compliance and persistence with immunomodulating agents for multiple sclerosis in a commercially insured population
Authors: Shea T, Wood F, Shim B, Becker E, Meletiche D, Bennett R, AL-Sabbagh A
ISPOR 2008 13th Annual International Congress
Document Types: , Poster
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2008 English , Compliance
Validation of the “QUICK” questionnaire. A tool for diagnosis of “wearing-off” in patients with Parkinson’s Disease
Authors: Martinez-Martín P, Tolosa E, Hernandez B, Badia X
Movement Disorders 2008; 23(6):830–836
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Spain
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2008 English , Quality of life
Validation of the Spanish version of the QOLIE-10 quality of life in epilepsy questionnaire
Authors: Viteri C, Codina M, Cobaleda S, Lahuerta J, Barriga J, Barrera S, Morales MD; investigators group of the QOLIE-10 validation study
Neurologia 2008;23(3):157-67
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Spain
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2008 Spanish , Quality of life
Health economic consequences related to the diganosis of fibromyalgia syndrome.
Authors: Annemans L12, Wessely S3, Spaepen E1, Caekelbergh K1, Caubère JP4, Le Lay K5, Taïeb C5
Affiliations: 1 IMS Health, Brussels, Belgium 2 Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium 3 Epidemiology-Psychiatry, London, UK 4 Pierre Fabre, Castres, France 5 Pierre Fabre, Boulogne-Billancourt, France
Arthritis and Rheumatism, 2008, 58(3): 895-902
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Belgium
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2008 English , Cost analysis
Co-morbidities and co-medication use in epilepsy patients receiving antiepileptic treatment in a managed care setting.
Authors: Forlenza J, Yeaw J, Liu Y, Rupnow M
Affiliations: 2 IMS Health, Watertown, MA, US
American Academy of Neurology 60th Annual Meeting, 2008, April, Chicago, IL, US
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2008 English , Retrospective database analysis
Triptan effectiveness and the impact of adding a fixed-dose combination of sumatriptan and naproxen sodium for acute migraine to a managed care plan formulary.
Authors: Smith T, Kowal-Podmore S, Runken MC
Affiliations: 1 IMS Health, Falls Church, VA, US 2 IMS Health, Falls Church, VA, US 3 GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, NC, US
ISPOR 13th Annual International Meeting, 2008, May, Toronto, ON, Canada
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2008 English , Budget impact
Impact of co-prescribed glatiramer acetate and antihistamine therapy on the likelihood of relapse among patients with multiple sclerosis.
Authors: Ollendorf DA, Castelli-Haley J, Oleen-Burkey M.
Affiliations: Institute for Clinical and Economic Review, Boston, MA, USA.
J Neurosci Nurs. 2008 Oct;40(5):281-90.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2008 English , Retrospective database analysis
The association between use of intravenous immunoglobulin and risk of Alzheimer's disease and related disorders
Authors: Fillit H1, Hess G2,3, Hill J2
Affiliations: 1Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA, 2IMS Health, Former Surveillance Data Inc., Plymouth Meeting, PA, USA, 3Leonard Davis Institute, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA,
Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association Volume 4, Issue 4, Supplement , Pages T499-T500, July 2008
Document Types: , Article
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2008 English , Retrospective cohort analysis
Use of pregabalin in patients with painful neuropathic disorders under the care of general practitioners in the U.K
Authors: Berger A, Sadosky A, Dukes E, Edelsberg J & Oster G
Affiliations: Policy Analysis Inc. (PAI), Brookline, Massachusetts
Pain Pract. 2009 Jan-Feb;9(1):18-34. doi: 10.1111/j.1533-2500.2008.00226.x. Epub 2008 Oct 30
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2008 English , Retrospective database analysis
The incidence rate of seizures in relation to BMI in UK adults.
Authors: Gao S, Juhaeri J & Dai WS
Affiliations: Global Pharmacovigilance and Epidemiology, Sanofi-Aventis, Bridgewater, New Jersey
Obesity (Silver Spring). 2008 Sep;16(9):2126-32. doi: 10.1038/oby.2008.310.
Document Types: , Abstract, Article
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Mental health, Neurological disorders, Obesity 2008 English , Retrospective database analysis
Primary care incidence and treatment of four neuropathic pain conditions: a descriptive study, 2002-2005.
Authors: Hall GC, Carroll D & McQuay HJ.
Affiliations: Grimsdyke House, London
BMC Fam Pract. 2008 May 6;9:26. doi: 10.1186/1471-2296-9-26.
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders, Pain 2008 English , Retrospective database analysis
Changes in the incidence of encephalitis in the UK
Authors: Carrigan G, Khromava A & Holden W
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 17(S253)
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , UK
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2008 English , Retrospective database analysis
The Patient Card Questionnaire to identify wearing-off in Parkinson disease
Authors: Martinez Martin P, Tolosa E, Hernandez B, Badia X
Clin Neuropharmacol 2007;30(5):266-75
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Spain
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2007 English , Quality of life
Timing between primary symptoms and final diagnosis of patients with memory complains and/or cognitive impairment. [Tiempo entre la aparición de los síntomas y el diagnóstico del médico de atención primaria y el especialista en los pacientes con quejas de memoria y/o deterioro cognitivo]
Authors: Argimón JM, Riu S, Badia X, Cadenas E, Martínez JM.
Rev Esp Geriatr Gerontol 2007;42(2):75-82
Document Types: , Manuscript in preparation
Countries: , Spain
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2007 Spanish
Association of long-term migraine preventive medication use and resource utilization/productivity loss: results from the American Migraine Prevalence and Prevention (AMPP) Study
Authors: Munakata J, Hazard E, Tierce J, Rupnow MFT, Serrano D, Reed M, Lipton RB
ISPOR 12th Annual International Meeting, May 19-23, 2007, Arlington, Virginia, USA
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2007 English
Treatment outcomes and medical care of patients with neurogenic detrusor overactivity (NDO) receiving botulinum toxin a (Botox®) therapy
Authors: Ehlken B , Bremer J , Burgdörfer H , Domurath B , Hampel C , Kutzenberger J , Seif C , Sievert KD , Wefer B , Bär K , Berger K , Pannek J
ISPOR 2007 10th Annual European Congress
Document Types: 
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2007 English
Cost-utility analysis evaluating the lidocaine 5% medicated plaster relative to gabapentin and pregabalin for post-herpetic neuralgia in Germany
Authors: Liedgens H1, Hertel N2, Gabriel A2, Nuijten MJC3, Dakin HA4, Spoehrer U5, Poulsen Nautrup B1
Affiliations: 1 Gruenenthal GmbH, Aachen, Germany 2 IMS Health, Nuernberg, Germany 3 Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands 4 Abacus International, Bicester, Oxfordshire, UK 5 University Hospital of Munich, Munich, Germany
ISPOR 10th Annual European Congress, 20-23 October 2007, Dublin, Ireland
Document Types: , Oral presentation
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2007 English , Cost utility
Cost-effectineness analysis evaluating the lidocaine 5% medicated plaster relative to gabapentin and pregabalin for post-herpetic neuralgia in Germany
Authors: Liedgens H1, Hertel N2, Gabriel A2, Nuijten MJC3, Dakin HA4, Spöhrer U5, Poulsen Nautrup B1
Affiliations: 1 Grünenthal GmbH, Aachen, Germany 2 IMS Health, Nuremberg, Germany 3 Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 4 Abacus International, Bicester, Oxfordshire, UK 5 University Hospital of Munich, Munich, Germany
Value in Health 10 (6): A 383-384
Document Types: , Abstract
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2007 English , Cost effectiveness
Burden of illness among commercially insured patients with Alzheimer’s disease
Authors: Joyce A1, Zhao T1, Bowman L1, Flynn J2, Carter C1, Ollendorf D1
Affiliations: 1 IMS Health, Watertown, USA 2 Eli Lilly & Co, Indianapolis, USA
Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 2007, 3(3): 204-210
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2007 English , Burden of illness
Is There Risk of MS Relapse With Concomitant use of Glatiramer Acetate and Antihistamines?
Authors: Oleen-Burkey M, Ollendorf D1, Castelli-Haley J
Affiliations: 1 IMS Health, Watertown, USA
23rd Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis, 2007, October 11-14, Prague, Czech Republic
Document Types: , Oral presentation
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2007 English , Retrospective database analysis
Descriptive analysis of the direct medical costs of multiple sclerosis in 2004 using administrative claims in a large nationwide database.
Authors: Prescott J, Factor S, Pill M, Levi G
J Manag Care Pharm., 2007; 13(1): 44-52
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2007 English , Retrospective database analysis
Epilepsy Diagnosis and Management.
Authors: Wilner, A
Medscape (Internet), 2007, August 13 (
Document Types: , Online article
Countries: , USA
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2007 English , Retrospective database analysis
Antipsychotics dosage and antiparkinsonian prescriptions
Authors: Acquaviva E1, Gasquet I, Falissard B.
Affiliations: 1INSERM U669, PSIGIAM (Paris Sud Innovation Group in Adolescent Mental Health Methodology), 97 boulevard de Port-Royal, 75679 Paris cedex 14, France.
Clin Pract Epidemiol Ment Health. 2007 Sep 3;3:14.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , France
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2007 English , Retrospective database analysis
Antipsychotics dosage and antiparkinsonian prescriptions.
Authors: Acquaviva E1, Gasquet I, Falissard B.
Affiliations: 1INSERM U669, PSIGIAM (Paris Sud Innovation Group in Adolescent Mental Health Methodology), 97 boulevard de Port-Royal, 75679 Paris cedex 14, France.
Clin Pract Epidemiol Ment Health. 2007 Sep 3;3:14.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , France
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2007 English , Retrospective database analysis
Cost minimisation analysis of antiepileptic drugs in Spain
Authors: Rubio M, Lizán L, Badia X, Escartín A, López-Trigo J, Rufo M, Echarri E.
Rev Neurol 2006;42(5):257-64
Document Types: , Manuscript in preparation
Countries: , Spain
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2006 Spanish , Cost minimization
The Quick questionnaire identifies wearing-off in Parkinson's Disease patients. Validquick study
Authors: Martínez-Martín P, Tolosa E, Hernández B, Badia X
11th International Congress OF Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders. Istambul 3-7June
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , Spain
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2006 English , Quality of life
Comparison of healthcare utilization, costs and incidence of adverse events in epileptic patients using a retrospective claims analysis.
Authors: Bugli C, Grossman P, Joyce A, Ollendorf DA
7th European Congress of Epileptology, Helsinki, Finland
Document Types: , Poster
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2006 English , Review
Clinical management of patients with complaints of memory decline and/or cognitive impairment in primary care in Spain.
Authors: Argimon JM, Riu S, Badia X, Lara N, Martínez J.
Document Types: , In press/to be published
Countries: , Spain
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2006 English
Initial treatment of patients with subjective memory complaints and/or cognitive impairment in primary care: ISSEA Study
Authors: Argimón Pallás J, Riu Subirana S, Lizán Tudela L, Badia Llach X, Martínez Lage JM
Aten Prim 2007;39(4):171-9
Document Types: , Manuscript in preparation
Countries: , Spain
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2006 Spanish , Epidemiological study
Clinical and economic results of bilateral subthalamic nucleus stimulation in Parkinson's disease.
Authors: Fraix V, Houeto JL, Lagrange C, Le Pen C, Krystkowiak P, Guehl D, Ardouin C, Welter ML, Maurel F, Defebvre L, Rougier A, Benabid AL, Mesnage V, Ligier M, Blond S, Burbaud P, Bioulac B, Destee A, Cornu P, Pollak P; SPARK Study Group.
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2006 Apr;77(4):443-9.
Document Types: , Manuscript in preparation
Countries: , France
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2006 English
Initial management of patients with subjective complaints on memory and/or cognitive impairment in Primary Care.
Authors: Argimón JM, Riu S, Lizán L, Badia X, Martínez JM.
ISSEA Study.
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , Spain
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2006 English
Zoledronic acid in the long-term management of Pagets disease of the bone in Germany - a cost savings approach?
Authors: Kurth AA1, Kotowa W2, Fricke FU2, Quednau K3, Maiwenn JA4
Affiliations: 1 Orthopaedische Universitaetsklinik Stiftung Friedrichsheim, Frankfurt am Main, Germany 2 IMS Health, Nuremberg, Germany 3 Novartis Pharma GmbH, Nuremberg, Germany 4 Institute for Medical Technology Assessment, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Document Types: , Poster
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2006 English
Efficacy of botulinum toxin type A (BoNTA) in the treatment of adult spasticity: a meta-analysis of response rate using individual patient data
Authors: Aldridge G, Frost M, Le Reun C, Lynch M, Davey P, Napier-Flood F.
ISPOR 2nd Asia-Pacific conference, Worldfield Convention Hotel, Shanghai, China
Document Types: , Poster
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Nephrology, Neurological disorders 2006 English , Meta analysis, Quality of life
Assessing health-related quality of life in patients with Parkinson’s disease in a prospective longitudinal study. Parkinsonism Relat Disort.
Authors: Reuther M 1, Spottke EA 1, Klotsche J 1, Riedel O 1, Peter H 1, Berger K 3, Athen O 2, Köhne-Volland R 2, Dodel RC 1.
Affiliations: 1 University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany 2 Metronomia München, Munich, Germany 3 IMS Health, Munich, Germany
Parkinsonism Relat Disort. 2007 Mar; 13(2): 108-14.
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2006 English , Quality of life
Costs and quality of life of multiple sclerosis in Germany
Authors: Kobelt G1, Berg J2, Lindgren P2, Berger K3, Elias WG4, Flachenecker P5, Freidel M6, König N7, Limmroth V8, Straube E9
Affiliations: 1 Lund University, Lund, Sweden, and European Health Economics, Spéracèdes, France 2 Stockholm Health Economics, Stockholm, Sweden 3 Medical Economics Research Group, Munich, Germany 4 Praxis Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany 5 Neurologisches-Reha.-Zentrum Bad Wildbad, Bad Wildbad, Germany 6 Praxis Kaltenkirchen, Kaltenkirchen, Germany 7 Marianne-Strauss-Klinik Berg, Berg, Germany 8 Städtisches Krankenhaus Köln-Merheim, Köln-Merheim, Germany 9 SIDAplus Hannover, Hannover, Germany
Eur J Health Econ 2006 · 7:S34–S44
Document Types: , Article
Countries: , Germany
Condition Year Language Analysis type
, Neurological disorders 2006 English , Quality of life
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